The wall of shame history


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This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 12 years ago.

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  • #15073 Score: 0


    Every time I go to spawn, I see a wall of shame on one side of spawn. I’m just wondering what did they do? I started playing on Oct 2012 so I don’t have much experience as some of you. Would you mind telling a story of EC history. Could anyone tell me why are they on the wall of shame?

    #15081 Score: 0

    2 pts

    They are there for shameful behavior 😉

    #15082 Score: 0


    I have seen many people with bad behaviors. But why them on that wall. I’m interested into hearing the story

    #15083 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    I have been in ec for quite awhile and I recall da Indian lured me and killed me

    #15101 Score: 0


    Tell me the exact nanes you want to know, I will explain.

    #15110 Score: 0


    DaIndian, Lawrenceshane and chebaroo

    #15112 Score: 0


    I can answer the question to all three of those. I’ve been playing since July 1st until I was banned in November but I’ve known, traded, PvPed, and done a lot of other stuff with those 3 people. DaIndian, was an ExpertMod, promoted to GuardianMod, then demoted right back in like a few days. He then quit the mod team. Soon he quit the whole server, giving everything he had to AznStevyWonders I think. He donated all of his money to the town bank of Divinity. Then months later he came back, ready to start all over. Then he started Team YOLO (griefing team, I was on it) and apparently he lured, which I don’t agree with since he really didn’t lure. Sometimes random people spam with tp’s so to stop them he just accepts the tp and kills them. I don’t get why this is luring if the other person was spamming you. Then later he quit the main server to start playing on the EC tekkit server. Then I think born accidentally wiped out his entire house on there so he ragequitted and never saw him since then.

    Lawrenceshane, used to be nice. He helped lots of people, active a lot, etc. Then one day he heard that his mod app was denied and he wouldn’t become a moderator, so he went crazy. He hacked accounts/the server multiple times. He showed his hatred towards staff, and was IP-Banned 7-8 times or something like that. Now I make jokes about him. Like “Guys wanna know a secret?” “I’m lawrenceshane’s cousin”. Reply: LOL, XD, OMG, BAN HIM JK!

    Chebaroo, the donor. He donated to the server…a lot. He is the only person yet to buy lifetime donorship. But…he abused it. He was flying in the End many times, he did unfair PvP with /vanish and flying. He made so many towns…many. Like 20 towns. He put like $500000 into each town bank for each town and he like never settled.

    DaIndian: Disrespect?

    Lawrenceshane: Hacking.

    Chebaroo: Abuse of privileges.

    #15113 Score: 0


    Ok. Thanks shiv, really appreciate it.

    #15120 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Wow if you look at all of these topics about the server ec really has some history

    #15122 Score: 0


    dai DID lure, cheb did Fly pvp and lure and Lawrenceshane was never really nice, he just thought he “trolls us good” when he really didnt, he break a lot of rules.

    #15125 Score: 0


    Btw, how die you get on the wall of shame shiv?

    #15127 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I didnt actually see shiv being Ip-banned, but I heard he was glitching HungerGames

    #15128 Score: 0

    7 pts

    And his mod-App was denied too but he didnt do really much bad thing, he is my friend, but the good thing is hes not banned at tekit, So sometimes I can see him playing. Totally wished hes unbanned, his ban appeal also got denied

    -maxminoS now on atCreative Server for Skyblock much

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