The Walls Request (borncorp needed)


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion The Walls Request (borncorp needed)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fazley01 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8469 Score: 0


    Hello there, Fazley on the forums!


    Do you think that this server needs The Walls or The Walls 2? I know why probably we need it.

    Before that, for people who don’t know about the PvP map The Walls, it’s a PvP map which has walls that will then fall down in 15/30/50 mins. Make weapons, shelter , etc. before time runs out!

    And for who doesn’t know about another one called The Walls 2, it’s like The Walls, but it is a jungle in each area, more things, the walls have sand and gravel deco, more beautiful than The Walls, most importantly, there are no diamonds in your own area, only in the middle after the walls come down.

    Continuing, the reason I want to have The Walls or The Walls 2 inside EternalCracked is because that mostly, cracked servers don’t have The Walls or The Walls 2. If it haves, it will be Hamachi or not 24/7. Some people and I, the Minecraft Cracked people, would like to have The Walls or The Walls 2 in a good cracked Minecraft server.

    I hope borncorp can accept my request!


    With Regards,



    #8476 Score: 0


    Theres a problem in your request, a lot of trouble has to go into resetting and all that, also theres no plugin for it i think so it has to be all manually done for 16 people

    #8966 Score: 0


    No Offense and all fazley, but screw that plugin, it would lag the server even more, it would take so long to build it. There’s other stuff we can do with the time we take to REBUILD it. honestly. so this wouldn’t be good at ALL.

    #9085 Score: 0


    Ok.. Understood.

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