TheShadow17 Mod App! :3


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications TheShadow17 Mod App! :3

This topic contains 24 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  jwidja 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #123268 Score: 0


    Is my moment… :3

    In-game names used: TheShadow17, Ghost17 (My First acc. I never use this acc :P)

    How Old are you: 15

    In what country do you live in, and what is your timezone?: Paraguay, (GMT-4)

    How long have your played Minecraft?: 1 Year

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating?: No…

    Do you ever get punished in EternalCraft before?: Yes, Banned in Creative for “Bad Boy”, I remember this… xD..

    The Server you are applying for: Prison 😀

    How Often are you Online in Prison: 2 months

    Why do you want to become a Moderator?: I want to help people, there are many players who do not know how to play prison, Besides, I love prison, and I want to be again as before, and Prison need a Spanish Moderator

    Pros and Cons:

    +I am respectful
    +I Speak English and Spanish 😀

    -I have problems with my PC, I cant record
    -I’m not very active on the forums, why? I cant report now, I cant record my screen

    Thanks for reading this! ^-^

    #123269 Score: 0

    1 pt

    We don’t need a spanish moderator. The server is supposed to be english, and while we don’t want to prevent the spanish people from playing, we like to keep it English as much as possible. Mainly because of the fact the moderators and older players are english, and do not understand alot of the spanish language.

    If we were to accept somebody as a moderator because he’s spanish, then it’ll look like the server was intended to be spanish.
    More spanish will join and the english moderators would become useless. We’d like to keep this from happening, thank you…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  xZero_Strike.
    #123276 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Zero, That is good that he knows both English and Spanish. Becuase if a Player knows nothing about English then 9 times out of 10 he / she will talk in Spanish. DuhmaJestIcmist even has the samething, but he knows English much better. Anyway.

    Vote Middle.

    -New to the Forums
    -Most of the time I see you talk in Spanish.
    -Rude to others sometimes.
    -Likes to brag about your Loot and how good you’re.

    Good Luck! And have a good day! :)

    #123288 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Just want to straighten things up..

    What Tavon said is true.. It is good that he knows both English and Spanish. There should not be a problem if he is willing to communicate in English and encourage people to speak English, while in the same time he can moderate the language chat. All players are welcomed to EternalCraft, no matter what languages they speak. All players also have a chance to become a moderator as long as they fulfill the requirements, and one of them is ability to speak English. So if you can speak both English and Spanish, that will be even better, just make sure to use English as the main language to communicate in the main chat :)

    Anyways, good luck on your application! And you might want to be more active on the forum and contribute more to the server, like reporting rule breakers 😛

    #123293 Score: 0


    Vote up!

    Not only because I’m ur friend and i gotta support you, but I allways see you in prison server online… You allways help people, you are nice, and you are respectful.
    PD: I’ve been offline cuz I had no Internet :C


    #123306 Score: 0


    I don’t really trust Spanish players after Einow and Murilo..

    #123307 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I cannot vote because I don’t see you much in Prison (my fault, barely got time to go there 😛 ), but I wanted to say one thing: your ban in Creative was a glitch ban due to a plugin, changed since then. 😉 It was set in a way it bans people after they break a chat rule 3-4 times in 3 hours, and then we couldn’t disable it, so Squirt changed it.

    Good luck with the mod app. 😉

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    #123376 Score: 0


    Thanks guys! =)

    #123504 Score: 0

    Einow 
    1 pt

    I Really don’t play much in prison and now i not play much in EC for reason many players know but the most times i enter to prison i saw you online and also i saw you help players , I don’t know you good but i know you are a good person, Also i agree with ClockSpeed , And i want to say to xZero_Strike and to TrevishX don’t discriminate Spanish players,@TrevishX what does it have to do be a Spanish person with be a good mod or a good person,I and Murilo are good persons , But we made mistake as another persons, Well i will don’t talk about it here , is possible i will be to do a topic saying bye to EC , But I’m thinking because i sense persons on this server don’t like me , Well to finish this, For me is a Vote middle-up Because He is active,I saw him helping players , Know English and Spanish and is good because you can help all players and i think you have potential to be a mod

    #123508 Score: 0


    shadow17 is a good player but you was mean but you changea lot you be on game
    vote up .

    -New to the Forums
    -Most of the time I see you talk in Spanish.
    -Rude to others sometimes.
    -Likes to brag about your Loot and how good you’re

    #128892 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down.

    I’ve been in game with you everyday or so.. And I been keeping an eye on you to see the way you would act.
    So.. Far you haven’t been doing so good. I asked you if you knew English and you said no, ” You said that you don’t know how to say it, it’s hard for you, yet if you want to be a Staff Mod you need to know your English, this is a English server never forget that, When I say 95% of the time I see you, I mean 95% of the time you don’t time in English, yet Mods / Players keep saying this to you and your friends ” English in main chat ” I even told you before to tell your friends that, but you seemed to ignore me. Even as I’m posting this right this in you’re not talking in English.
    You’ve also Ignore me and others players in that Matter, if someone said something to you you’ll just ignore me or them, but you don’t ignore your friends. This is how I see things in EternalCraft. Not only one person is your best friend or friend, everyone in the Server is your friend, not just a few people. If you ignore people then how can you even be helpful to the Mod Team or to anyone in that matter? Doesn’t add up.

    You need to be more helpful as well, I:ve already stated that above so.. Theres no use in saying it again.

    Reason of my Vote:

    -Ignores Players & Staff.
    -Barely talks in English.
    -Didn’t even add your skype, if you even have one.
    -Inactive on the forums. ” -I have problems with my PC, I cant record
    -I’m not very active on the forums, why? I cant report now, I cant record my screen ” If you can’t record anything then thats just fine tbh, if someone is spamming or using caps, lang etc then you can Report that.
    -Never reports anything.
    -Lied, ” +I Speak English and Spanish ” I’ve stated that as well above.

    Hope you’ve a very nice day! :)

    #128893 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I don’t think it’s a requirement to add your skype to the application (unless the template changed)

    #128894 Score: 0


    Ty again! :3

    #128895 Score: 0


    Sorry, I forgot
    My skype is: the-shadow-17 😀

    #128896 Score: 0


    Tavon, I can do nothing when some speak at /English, Nobody listens to me ;-; and, Tavon only told you that I can not pronounce the words if they call me on skype, it is not easy to get used to the English accent ._.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  TheShadow17.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  TheShadow17.
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