this is BS


Home Forums Prison Reports this is BS

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  BananaKing105 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #110776 Score: 0


    I had tons of gear from the crates melee gave me for the giveaway i won i won tons of stuff and some summer crap i logged on a few days ago noticed something was missing and logged on today and all my GIVEAWAY stuff is gone so i asked ali and he said people can open your trapped chests even if its not there plot.
    if this is true i want a 100% refund. why aren’t we warned about that crap.
    I hope someone can help me

    #110778 Score: 0


    Well you should be refunded, cuz _jjpirate_ also got refunded for that. Here is the topic:

    And here is dark’s quote:

    Was it a trapped chest? Cause plotme has a bug with trapped chest. People are able to open trapped chests inside your plot. We put a notification in /warp plots. For now we will refund you, but next time be more careful :)

    #110789 Score: 0


    ^ same problem meaning I should get a refund as well

    #110875 Score: 0


    “if this is true i want a 100% refund. why aren’t we warned about that crap.”

    Hmm read the rules at /warp plots next time you are warned about this.

    For the refund I’ll check. Reported to Higher ranks.

    #111391 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Will be refunded. Be more careful and read the rules next time. I will message you in game when i see you.

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