This is Hazop and for my friends in our internet cafe


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal This is Hazop and for my friends in our internet cafe

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #76831 Score: 0


    This is Hazop,godwin123,arciio,Rhinotor,Endo.DrFenon,joeku14,revin143
    In-game name :Hazop,godwin123,arciio,Rhinotor,Endo.DrFenon,joeku14,revin143
    Why you have been banned : Were banned because they said we use a hack tracer even the computer shop is bug becuase theres a ear black and we kill them even there invisible coz wecan see them… Sorry we will tell the owner to fix there computer shop sorry…
    Where you are banned: All we are banned in survival server..

    Who banned you: vsub banned us
    Why you should be unbanned: We should be unbanned because we want to play again to this server coz its cool and we want this server to make this server rise up thats all thank you.. 😀

    #76833 Score: 0


    Vote down!
    better leave this server,they hack,spam and lure.This server is not for hacking! i had cuaght 7 times they using kill aura in my cjeesder account!so…..gonna quit la! i will invite all my classmate and friends to join this server!!

    #76835 Score: 0

    #76836 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I’ve seen multiple reports about these accounts.
    Coffee shops don’t usually have good quality WiFi/connection, from my experience. Usually so much so that you can’t stay connected to the server for very long.

    the computer shop is bug becuase theres a ear black and we kill them even there invisible coz wecan see them


    Also, when a mod bans someone for using hacks, they’ve got the proof of you doing so, or you’ve made it seem like you use such hacks.
    You’ve even admitted that you used hacks in pvp.

    so ill stop using hacks and play with fair in pvp..

    (From your elop6 ban appeal)

    This isn’t the first ban appeal coming from this ‘mer005’ account, so I feel like you won’t be unbanned.

    Honestly, you’ve had your chance, and if it’s lead to an IP ban, you’ve seriously done wrong.

    #76839 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I dunno if this is true or not. I’m pretty sure I saw a post where they said they were region banning, and that you’d need to post these things to whitelist some people.

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