This is how the cat-apocalypse ended.
This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by AgentLOLz_ 11 years ago.
-, is what I meant, the one at the top was how it was all started :p
This proves my argument that cats are liquids.
They can fit in literally any place you give them, and change to fit the area.Oh my god XD
Cats’s bravery
Everything is quiet in CoffeeProdCity. Nothing can really happen. Employees are going to their worksites, really calm, after drinking 50 cups of coffee: They got usued of this beverage, so they drink more of it than water.
But one day, a cat popped out of no where, infiltred himself in a coffee box and stayed in! He’ve seen what happens during the torrifaction, etc. Finally, the coffee will be selled to a stupid guy, called “Castacat”.
Castacat heard the cat’s meow, before reaching his house, but he thought it was the coffee that wanted to be drank fast, so he accelerated and deversed the cat in the machine, thinking it was a new presentation of the coffee.
It was a hard challenge for the cat: He had to be mixed with water*! But he wasn’t afraid. And when he was out, he was: LiquidMeow! He could pass in any space, big or small, but he couldn’t touch anything heat or else he would be a simple mortal cat again.
Meow simply killed Castacat, and started his epic quest: He wanted a city for all the cats in distress in the world! And this city was right here, and he will can change them all in LiquidMeows!
He made epic trips: From the top of Himalaya, to the smellest sewers of Paris; from the expensive and modern 8th stage of Taipei 101 to a poor favela of Brasilia. Cats were migrating all to CoffeeProdCity, invading it and kicking out every other animal or human they see.
Liquid’s dream was true now, he was super happy. But he knew keeping the city will be hard, so he started turning all of the cats in LiquidMeows, but he used way less water: They couldn’t pass everywhere, only in 75% of the small places, but they couldn’t change back to normal cats by heat. They were.. Immortal.
And no one could kill them.
The cats edified a bunker It was huge, with bazookas rooms, big artillery, missile launchpads, choppers bases,etc. Every single cat had 3 grenades MK3-11 and a calibre 9mm pistol. Soldiers had M16 and AK-47, and elites had snipers too.
The battle could begin.
The U.N have put maximum forces in this attack. 900 tanks, 50 satellites ready to launch nuclear on the city,.. USA involved the totality of its army in this.
They thought they were exagerating, by putting that much forces for cats, but no; it wasn’t even enough. Cats were furious, and they were going out of nowhere. UN launched nuclear missiles, but the first LiquidMeow, called now “TheLibertiner”, who was #1 public enemy in the world, activated the eletronical defence system. Missiles were exploding without dealing any damage, only affecting the athmosphere.
But suddenly, a giant cyber-tank appeard, in the ennemy lines. It was gigantic, strong and protected like a king. He was destroying everything in his way. The cats could destroy it, but only if they get in and press the “Self-Destroy” button. No one had the flexibility to do that.
Last sentence was a lie, TheLibertiner could. He didn’t hesitated, took a chopper equiped with heavy NU nuclear head missiles, and placed himself on the center of the battlefield. Where is the tank??
First detonation on the tank didn’t made anything. Second one made a little hole of 0.1mm under it: It was the moment.
Libertiner passed by this hole and fighted inside against the guards and conductors. He was super trained to war, he killed them easily. He ran and pressed the self-destruct button: It would explode the whole enemy army.
The first LiquidMeow was back in his chopper, high in the sky, when the tank exploded. Battle was ended.
TheLibertiner saw now what he did: He killed the whole army. 1 000 000 soldiers, etc. And then, he cried. He cried for this battle, won too easily; he cried for all those living creatures he killed.
Legend says he cried until his death.Assume your responsabilities, before going in a battle you are sure to win. Or else, it will be the equivalent of a suicide.
And that kids is why you should not mess with cats 😀
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