This is why i try to avoid using Skype


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  • #120943 Score: 0


    I was browsing some other server website today, and I found a topic about DDoS attack happening in that server, so I took a look and what I read shocks me.

    DDos means Distributed Denial of Service. That means that one or multiple computers keep sending packets to a website/IP Address to shut them off temporarily.
    May result in jail penalty, duration depends on severity of the attack

    When you open a browser or anything that needs internet access; your IP is public for anyone to get. The IP is the key for a DDoS attack and it isn’t very hard to hide it.

    9 times out of 10 the attackers will obtain your IP address from Skype, mainly because Skype’s security is low and you can obtain someones IP address by using a online website that gets it using their username (and some magic im not quite sure about) because Skype is such a common way to get IP addresses.

    The majority of the time your IP will be obtained from your Skype, therefore try to name yourself something un-related to your in game Minecraft name, this should help a little bit.

    Be careful of who you add on Skype, you don’t actually have to add people on Skype to be able to message them so if you are unsure about someone don’t add them, furthermore don’t join anyone’s Skype call or accept file transfers from people you don’t trust as both methods can be used to obtain your IP.

    Not sure if those above details are true. I just copied and pasted from that website 😛

    #120951 Score: 0

    16 pts

    you do realize that your IP can be seen as long as you’re on the internet. Like you could literally scrape off thousands of IPs from Google if you wanted to. Also, you don’t have worry abut DDoS attacks unless you did something that pissed off an internet community or did like a hacker attack. Your IP can be obtained from anything, mail, texts, calls, even this post. There’s no use in not using Skype because “hackers” can get your IP. However, you can use a thing called a proxy to give a fake IP. When they DDoS it, that IP will be down, not yours.

    #120982 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ROFL, no one will give a crap about DDOSing you if they don’t even know who you are.

    #120985 Score: 0


    Not true, extremists will attack anyone, regardless of yourself.

    #120996 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Agree with Rogue.

    #121024 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You visit a website, your already able to be ddos.

    Nothing is secure. Everything you go to has your up address.

    #121027 Score: 0


    What wither said, Skype is no different, every single website has your ip address and ready to claim it…

    #121034 Score: 0


    ok ok

    #121036 Score: 0


    So, are you convinced or not?

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