This Is why im a bad player in this server :/


Home Forums Prison Feedback This Is why im a bad player in this server :/

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #80138 Score: 0

    12 pts

    why how can I say this well it all went down when I came in rank F maybe in prison so ppl was just mad at me making fun of me :/ saying bad words about don’t know when to stop its just sad to see it for me but I was a good PLAYER! in this server but things had to go down hill I had to sand up for my self so I became a bad player but I did not want to do this I have like 23 warns and 4 mutes when I was a good player here I had like 7 warns and like no mute when I had my own mute I was in rank G or something idk I forgot but anyways a lot of ppl got mad at some things like robing someone plot hmm let me see trolling them not giving them there money but things like that so that’s when the bad things had to come I did not want to be this way but hey if I got to do it so be it then but im still trying to fix from being bad from being a player again did you know that I wanted to be a mod! in this server I had time when I was in A but I had no time at all so im still trying to be a good player here and maybe even more then that so to ALL the ppl that I troll and etc im SORRY! I want to make things right now if you don’t forgive me then so be it its just a game+aserver anyways :/

    #80152 Score: 0

    Am I supposed to read all this?

    #80154 Score: 0

    12 pts

    well you can if you want but this is for the ppl I was mean to

    #80156 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Well,it’s good to say sorry and be a good player again..Being bad doesn’t get you anywhere..

    #80160 Score: 0

    12 pts

    yea ture I want to be a mod one day and be a gooder player also so im hopeing to be one again :)

    #80166 Score: 0


    Gooder english is going to help you .

    #80988 Score: 0

    Shots fired.

    #80996 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Gooder.. River, you too need better English. Well, anyways, this isn’t a good of ‘advertising’ you to be a mod. Saying yu want to be mod seems like an impatient of way of becoming it.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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