this time it was for no reason


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal this time it was for no reason

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fisherman21 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #9824 Score: 0


    my brother (pokemon902) was banned a bit ago again which includes me for “X-RAYING” which he was not doing. he deleted the client AFTER the scare u gave him last time and hasn’t been mining since. he finally goes mining since the previous ban and gets banned again after less than 5 min. he found 1 iron ore and thats all. he fell into a ravine and got banned there. Y???? this is unfair because i told u before the previous ban was done that he removed it. no 1 in this entire family that plays minecraft (which is just us 2) has any client. i do not believe that this was fair and the ban should be lifted. he lost his pro 4 and god sword when he died i believe these should be returned as well. people think that i hack as well because i appear suddenly at spawn pvp, which is not true because i used ender pearls which i even showed ninja. there has always been accusations to every one just because some 1 lost their stuff or something along those lines which is usually lag or normal bad sportsmanship. he has NOT had any hacked client at all since the last ban and i have made sure of that.

    #9825 Score: 0


    this ban affects me as well not just pokemon902 because we use the same computer just different computer accounts i have access to his and he dosent have it

    #9829 Score: 0


    Added ‘fisherman21’ to exception list.

    If your “brother” wants to be unbanned, have him post his own ban appeal.

    #9830 Score: 0


    yea but i am banned as well as him. kinda doin my hw at the same time so he cant use it….. we have the same ip address so i am affected by the unfair ban as well so i can post up because i am banned for no reason

    i even made an account here to post it up

    #9831 Score: 0


    i cant join or anything because of it we have no client on this or any computer in our house he fell in a ravine and did not die then dies suddenly and was banned there and then he did not do anything and i didnt either

    #9833 Score: 0


    Your username was added to the exception list as of my previous post. Only you are able to log in on ‘fisherman21’.

    He was banned for a 2nd time x-ray, which I can confirm it was surely x-ray.

    #9838 Score: 0


    people call people hackers all the time like on hg when people get killed they go mental and start calling them hackers

    #9879 Score: 0


    thats true people should control themselves because false bans can happen and thanx chib

    #9890 Score: 0


    ok i tried getting on a few sec ago and i couldn’t get on cuz it said the ban hammer has spoken we have the same ip address different computer accounts

    #9928 Score: 0


    still cant enter…..

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