Tips to be an Mod


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Tips to be an Mod

This topic contains 15 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #66980 Score: 0


    Ingame name is: AjKuLiT23
    Well i have experience in Prison was great.
    and i loved Prison servers.
    Why do i want to be a mod:Well i just to be a mod to keep place safe from Trollers. Cause some Trollers can trap you in furnace or Steal your stuff.

    And now for the tips
    1.Be active
    If you are active always that means to the owner,admins,mods
    That you love their Prison server.
    2.Is help them
    If the owner,mod,admins
    Needs help answer it.

    #66982 Score: 0

    7 pts

    You clearly didnt read the rules.

    You won’t hear any moderators asking you for help because THEY’RE the one who are supposed to help others. It is also their job for it, they have to research themselves if they need help.

    #66984 Score: 0


    ^ agreed

    #66986 Score: 0


    The guy obviously meant to say Tips to NOT be a mod :)

    Also ^ i agree


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  FarmerK. Reason: failed
    #66988 Score: 0


    “Cause some Trollers can trap you in furnace or steal your stuff”
    Trapping in furnace? I dont understand that. Anyway stealing of stuff is allowed as long as glitches/hacks aren’t used.

    Good luck on your mod app but maybe you could be more active as well since i dont see you online much.

    #66989 Score: 0


    ^^ Lol Agreed

    #66990 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Side note: Owner cannot always be active/online, as they do have lives to live, jobs to work (Earn money for server maintenance.), etc…

    #66993 Score: 0


    @maxminoS Agreed.
    @takoballball is right..

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RY4JisHere.
    #66997 Score: 0

    3 pts

    First, for your mod app.
    I don’t want it to sound harsh but I vote down: This clearly shows you don’t know that much about the Prison server. As said Tako, all kind of traps are allowed..

    Noe, for the “tips”. Being active, yeah, sure it’s good. And I don’t think someone who doesn’t like playing Prison would play Prison, lawl. But the second advice.. I agree with Max. You better help players than help mods. Btw, if even mods would ask for help, as we say in arabic: “Kersé, el 2ossa.” (Translation: It’s silly). Plus, wouldn’t there be a kind of favouritism for the players who help the mods if this happens?

    ~Dostok Doglog {DD}

    #66998 Score: 0


    I dont know if this is a tips thread or a mod application.
    Sorry about this but if it is a mod app, I would have to vote down here. Very under-detailed and bad reason.

    Here are some tips for you
    1. Read accepted mod applications to have a brief idea on how mod applications work
    2. Be more open with the moderators, they can give you even more tips if you want and if you impress them, they may even suggest you to the admins.
    3. You seem to need more experience about prison servers, perhaps tell us how long you’ve been playing on prison servers. :)
    4. Remember that everyone is acting like a real criminal or troller, you must try to avoid them if you do not want to get scammed/cheated. It is legal by the way.
    5. Have fun! 😀

    #67001 Score: 0

    12 pts

    What is this? I don’t even….

    To be honest, I agree with your tips but, when is it that Moderators would need help? If they were always guided by Members then, they wouldn’t even be Moderators. As for your Trial Moderator Application. It’s not very well detailed and I hardly see you on the Server.

    #67012 Score: 0


    The failure to desbaneen me of minigames

    #67014 Score: 0

    Thy hath not the right to posteth such topics on our forums, for thy art of creating such, inferior I say. Thee art not a mod, for what is this topic worth? Why would thou createth this?
    If we art talking about thy application, thither be not a single reason for I to vote up.

    #67024 Score: 0


    I think for the point where moderators need help is half correct(the way I look at it) like for example sometimes when its a full server and I’m all alone on and they’re like 10 people msging me for help sometimes if they ask in chat, other members would help them because im stuffed with /msg and checking perms etc and all that I think thats what he means
    but also dont only help the owner admins and mofs, help members too because as a person they are no less than anyone else

    #67034 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Not sure what this is but im closing it to prevent further confusion.

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