Home Forums Survival General discussion TO ALL MODS

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kusher321 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #17095 Score: 0


    I am just wondering if all the mods have like a sort of meeting area where only mods can enter. Its where they can discuss about what the problems are  on the server and what new things they may add. (E.g: “There recently been a lag situation on the creative server. Any suggestions on how we can fix this”?) or (” The majority of people on the server wants a new plugin to be installed. Should we take action”?). That’s pretty much what it is. If there isn’t a place but you would like to make one, I’ll make it for you. Forgive me if I’m being nosy. I was just curious. Please answer this question.


    #17235 Score: 0


    Hehe, thanks for the initiative but we already have a place to report and discuss.

    #17327 Score: 0


    Ok 😀


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