Too bad too sad pvp flyers


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion Too bad too sad pvp flyers

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  valksoar 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #21410 Score: 0

    14 pts

    It’s Time to End all of this Donors Flying in the AIR SOMETIMES

    AIn’t no body got time to watch them and then ban them one by one. Let’s let the bukkit plugins take care of that…. I just was roaming around the website and came across this plugin. Read it and it seems good. You guys should test it out and see if it works.



    TITLE: PVP Flight

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by  Chibichuba. Reason: Removed Capslock in Title
    #21427 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Interesting Plugin. I see a issue though.

    The idea of a donor flying around exploring the wild, with whatever loot etc he may have. And he flys high up a cliff face to get to the top, and it just so happens another player (maybe with a aimbot) has been waiting. The donor could be hit, and he could fall and die.

    Just one example, it could be a few others. Now I know it sounds rare, but it no doubt will happen.

    The plugin does not have the option yet of disabling fall damage.


    #21429 Score: 0

    14 pts

    ANYWAYS, even if a guy got aimbot and found this doner WITHOUT this plugin, he would have died EITHER WAy…. There isn’t really a point here…..

    Aim Bot go nothing to do with this….????? I sort of see ur point about when u do /fly and u fall all the way down, u loose no damage… I guess WE CAN COMMENT on the bukkit dev page and make the creator add that option in. I really don’t think that much players got aimbot….

    #21430 Score: 0

    1 pt

    With the fly command we already have, the Pvp Flight plugin would have to block /fly for a certain amount of time. And most likely with the /fly command disabled you could take damage when you hit the floor. It could be aimbot, or a lucky shot. But yeah I really feel as though that plugin is not developed enough to be used on Eternalcracked. Especially  with the  latest comments on the plugin page being full of console errors.


    #21431 Score: 0

    14 pts

    One thing, me and u can test this plugin out on my own server that i host.  I set ram to 2.5 gb so yeah no laggg I am pretty sure when i tested this plugin out, it worked pretty well, untill u came over and said about this. If u wanan test this out tell me okie.

    #21433 Score: 0

    14 pts

    O.o i found another plugin with timing fly somewhere… I guess if this plugin fails, i guess maybe next time

    #21439 Score: 0


    I don’t think we should have this because of what zupers said its true. And zupers do u work at zupas or something cause that’s a restraunt thing so do u?

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