Too many Mod app.
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This topic contains 14 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by hockey3737 12 years, 2 months ago.
There’s too many mod app.
This isnt a complaint or anything, but literally the whole side of the Topic announcments are usually either Mod app. or Ban appeals.
Just wondering if there was anyway to actually lower these kind of things.
That is all lol. Hope there wasnt any hard feelings.
I agree, its like every player who joins wants to be a mod, LOL
Haha that may be true but, who could hold back from such a responsibility?
I know I’m the one to talk but if you look at nearly every ones account you’d see that the vast majority have a Mod application xD
Haha , thats true, but honestly, who wouldn’t wana become mod on a great server like this? xD
Theres like 15 mod apps XD
I think a way to prevent this is to have more restrictions on who can make mod apps, like have to be on the server longer, or be a resident of a town, or some stuff like that
I think this server is amazing, so everyone wants to become mod. Don’t you think so?
I agree with Roy who wouldn’t want to be a mod on eternal cracked? Its the best server out there!
very true
Because of multiple complaints of this, I have written this up.
In effect as of December 9th, 2012.
EternalCracked Proposition 1:
TrialModerator Applications Postings.
Moderator Application Posts are limited to 1 per player. Their first application is the one that counts. Any applications prior to the first one will be deleted.
Any staff with access to deleting posts may do so if the applicant has more than 1 post. Only the first application will be counted.
– Check their created topics by going to their user profile, and clicking ‘Topics Started’. Delete any applications after the first one.
In total, only 1 moderator application per player. The first application that they ever posted is the only one that counts. Delete any newer ones if accessible.
– Chibichuba
Alright! I started a new law on the forums . XD
How about making a set of achievements you need to have confirmed by various staff before making one and somehow calculate server activity time without it lagging the server
That wont stop people just making a new post on the mod apps forums without reading the requirements. What I am doing now is if I see someone in game who seems helpful I search the forums and if I see a mod app I consider bringing the player to the team. That way I dont waste time in players who created their mod app and never help
Chibi and Born this actually sounds unfair because of the different time or continents they live in. For example it is night in the U.S and in British its daytime. They can write the post before all of us because of the time. Well I dont know if I explained this right. I hope you guys will understand about this suitation.
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