toto361 continuously spamming chat


Home Forums Survival General discussion toto361 continuously spamming chat

This topic contains 15 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27235 Score: 0


    toto361 has been spamming chat every time the mods are offline. Here is a screen shots

    #27236 Score: 0


    i swear toto361 thinks that he doesn’t have to follow the rules on the server i had to explain to him that he needs to follow the rules and not use caps but he said that im not a admin and of course there were no admins/mods on so i couldn’t ask if i could mute him/kick. keep reporting him if he keeps it up a mod/admin might temp ban him

    #27238 Score: 0


    Spacebound if you could try and get proof of that sucker (screenshots) then you might have a chance of shutting him up.

    #27240 Score: 0


    yeah i know i have tried but i kept laggin out so i couldnt get any screenshots

    #27241 Score: 0


    If F2 in Minecraft doesn’t work for you, depending on your OS

    For windows:
    -Use the print screen button
    -Open paint
    -Paste the picture
    -Save it
    -Upload it

    I have no idea for Mac since I haven’t used MAC OS for quite a while and have to get back into remembering how to use it. If you are on a windows OS then you can have a chance to catch him using the print screen function.

    #27246 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Im on mac and all you have to do is press FN and F3 at the same time and it will capture the whole screen

    #27250 Score: 0


    i got on the server and i msged toto361 that he was reported and he needs to smarten up. he told me “other people do it so why cant i” so i just told him that why doesnt he just be the better person and not spamm and be annoying and he goes “IGNORED” im not liking his attitude

    #27251 Score: 0


    he also told me that his punishment will only be 1 hour of being muted and he will just wait till its over so he can spamm some more i hate people like that

    #27252 Score: 0


    I hate people like that as well but again spacebound…please just try and get some proof of this…moderator’s will have a harder time catching that little shit if they don’t have proof.

    #27253 Score: 0


    Thanks a bunch for the report, we’ll watch out for him.
    Meanwhile, do you have any screenshots of these messages you talk of? We’ll check it out though, and if he’s simply saying he’s not scared of a 1 hour mute, well, that itself can be worse. Anyway, thanks for the report, the more screens the better, keep it up.
    -ExpertMod Omega

    #27254 Score: 0


    thanks omega

    #27255 Score: 0


    Thanks Omega, if i find anything else amiss on the server, i’ll be sure to report it. Thanks you for your time.

    #27256 Score: 0


    Thanks for the update, Vegeta.

    #27257 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    i’d be laughing so hard at toto when he get longer mute or temp ban xDD

    #27287 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Spacebound, if you see someone online that is breaking the rules, spamming cursing, etc., and they won’t refuse to stop when you tell them to, use your judgment and mute them for whatever time you think is good, perhaps 1 hour or such.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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