I bought an extra plot of land for 5k for my own farm so i can make some money n my own food. Tis town assitant Mobkiller CAme into my farm, opening the door climbing ladders Up to my animal farm lvl which i had raised for a very long time. I used to have over 300 animals in that very small area. how did i noe? i kept track of the number of food i fed them. One day, i went up to breed them again. i only found 2 cows n 2 chickens left. I though maybe someone did /kill all or something so i didnt think much on it. I began breeding alot of animals N suddenly again! down to 2 each. I cant check who opened my fences so i removed the fences n used blocks instead. nothing happened for a while. But, Today i came back to see my animals running around!!!! the blocks i used to cover the entrance was broken!!! Habalaman the mod was there so i asked him to check Turns out its MOBKILLER!!!! He kept Killing the animals which i raised for a very Long time!!! I noe he is a donor, But look!! he abused what ever was given to him!! He was given Fly n He abused it!!! He was given town assistant and yet again abused it!!! Do something
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