Town Glitched?


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Town Glitched?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  videogameclick 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20479 Score: 0


    I recently made a town called Ruby_Sharks using another account I have on the server (theotherone) to do the transfer.  I made the town on my other account, transferred all my items, and made my regular account (videogameclick) leave the other town and become mayor. I kept my third account (anawesome) in the other town as an assistant so I could still help out with the new mayor. It went fine for a few days. When I logged on this morning, my regular account was back in the old town and was assistant, while my other account wasn’t, and I also had all my old plots. My new town was still there, including all the residents, except for me.  I’d make my regular account leave the town, but I have to wait for the mayor to make my anawesome account assistant first, and he doesn’t come on very often when I’m on. The other town I’m in is called Crazy_Lordz. Any idea why this happened?

    #20576 Score: 0


    And do I need screenshots for this?

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