I’ve recently been griefed by ShadeFtw or was it FtwShade around my town border. I requested help from LooneyBeast who is a trailmod. I though he can help me stop this guy from griefing my town boundary, but he said that the land does not have a perm so it can be griefed. Shade was doing massive destroy by destroying ice and turn it into water which flooded our tunnel system. I asked the mod Why they did not kick or stop him. They destroying block was ok except for use lava. Water sources are a pain to clean up too they can join into new water source cause it forever to clean up. I’ve decide to stop asking the mods since thy said he was not doing anything wrong. Was he not stop the town from expanding? I ask You viewer to help me because im not sure what you can’t do around a town. I like you to post what you can’t do around a town because if Shade was only destroying blocks and not using lava does that mean I can Use water bucket and grief or even Tnt to grief around a town which i wouldn’t do because i like how this server is peaceful and not that violent. Please Help Me!
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