Town help please


Home Forums Survival General discussion Town help please

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8394 Score: 0


    Once the EC survival server gets back up again, I’d like to run my own town (kingdom actually) but I have no experience on what to do and how to properly run a town (kingdom) anyone got some good advice for me? I’d gladly appreciate the help!

    #8398 Score: 0


    To start off a Towny town, it is recommended you have about $60-75k, for $40k to start a town and the extra for extra town plot claims and daily $2.5k upkeep.

    To claim town plots from the Wilderness, do /t claim. To deposit money into the bank, do /t deposit <amounthere>.

    To add players to the town, do /t add <username>. If you need more help, you can do /t help or go here: -link-

    #8403 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Check some towny tutorials on youtube

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