Town Sponges


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Town Sponges

This topic contains 16 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Antares6 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #51141 Score: 0


    I say you should just remove the sponges town by town at a time if that’s possible. It will create huge lag spikes but I don’t think it will crash the server. Put something on the website explaining something turn whitelisting on and make it so nobody but the people doing work can get on. Then when it’s all set turn whitelisiting off and allow players to join again. With the thing on the main page of the website it will explain to everyone why whitelisting is turned on and whats going on that way when people get frustrated they can understand why and what’s going on. (just a thought)

    #51143 Score: 0


    Good idea,but the problem is that you can’t remove blocks in a () specific chunk (s). It may be possible using some bukkit commands that involve assigning commands to item and selecting the area. I never had op in a server to test bukkit commands,and i’m not gonna create one so i can’t help.

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