Town Vote


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This topic contains 47 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 9 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 48 total)
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  • #119506 Score: 0


    We can have multiple horse stables around town. For them to park their horse while using some town facilities.

    So basically the main mode of transport is horse.

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    #119508 Score: 0


    Well if that is so, you will need to build proper roads, and i have the expertise in that as well. Buses/trolleys/trams are harder to make (unless using plugins or mods). Building poor conditioned roads isnt going to help either.

    #119512 Score: 0


    Excuse me, Medieval’s road are supposed to be bumpy. Why don’t you try riding a horse and tell me.


    #119513 Score: 0


    Because i keep bumping into trees and suffocating…

    #119515 Score: 0


    Then learn how to ride a horse :)
    Practice makes perfect

    Trees are for decorations

    #119518 Score: 0


    Not in such a poor environment, i am used to riding horses in modern cities, not in ‘slums’ and villages. (I am way too modernised for everybody here, don’t throw me ancient stuffs)

    Low lying trees can hinder pathways and travel routes…

    #119522 Score: 0


    Melee,first of all,using horses is the most useful transport in our town and many players use so and it is cheaper than making railways everywhere which is also space taking.Secondly,our town is unique,not like all towns with fine roads etc and many people find our town amazing :),I’m not saying that modern towns are eww but they are too common,so we decided to make our town unique,that too with mobs on.Poor environment refers to no facilities,badly made plots etc but we don’t have any problems like that.Our roads are perfectly made for horses :).With the stables all around it’s super easy and we don’t need to waste money..You can check our town stable to see the number of horses used and PS:People got horses in their own house :)

    #119523 Score: 0


    Well, i am still lacking a house, let alone a personal stable. Also my accounts live far from each other, traveling by horses from house to house can be suicidal…

    #119526 Score: 0


    So are you saying you want to build a subway from DragonMeadow to Ancients?

    Mai La Mai… Wa Mai…

    #119527 Score: 0


    Well we never prevented you to make a house and i’m also adding that it’s NOT OUR PROBLEM if you want to travel between towns on horse or train,anyway NO ONE,will ever make a railway for you..

    #119528 Score: 0


    Don’t forget, your trains made TreeTopia laggy and ugly, I don’t wish this to happen again.

    The main mode of transportation will be horse and I will be building multiple horse stables to park their horses when using a facilities. Don’t say I am not analysing Venice enough. I had plans for the town already.

    #119533 Score: 0


    It’s Dragon’s town so it’s his choice. If you don’t like it, move someplace else. Simple as that. :/

    #119552 Score: 0


    Back to topic:

    Which towns should my alts be in?

    #119654 Score: 0


    Another bump

    #119812 Score: 0


    Still waiting for votes…

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 48 total)

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