TOWNY MOD [Also in Mandarin]


Home Forums Survival General discussion TOWNY MOD [Also in Mandarin]

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20720 Score: 0

    14 pts

    First of all, my town got rolled back or towny glitched and it was MASSIVELY GRIFFED..
    I was shocked with this and vegeta made a post along with Gh0st and i saw some screenshots.
    I did report this issue to born and born recover most of the town but still a lot are still missing and in massive griff. I also know that this was like a rollback of 2-3 days and i lost town money [a lot] and also lost residents as well. So i told some mods about this like skills and nhu. Skills responded back to me with mail saying that stounie12 was an assistant and unclaimed land. I noticed couple days before, he got banned apparently for “HACKING”. I really don’t know what the heck happened, but for sure one thing is that it was a REAL TOWNY GLITCH and another is that i am not sure what happened to stounie12 and how he affected my town.

    I also realized extra land out of the ordinary was claimed from my town. I have 80% of my assistants that i know in real life and have good contact with them. The assistants are ericxd88,anmil,vegeta5182(SOME NUMBERS),mrshtuffs, and beacon (which was stuck by the towny glitch). I removed mrshtuffs from assistant until further notice. It could be stounie12 hacking in a way and claiming land for my town. I do notice my town did lose a lot of money.

    #20725 Score: 0


    Urgh stounie12 is a lurer I don’t trust that person at all!!!!!!!!

    #20744 Score: 0

    23 pts

    I had to claim the stuff manually since noone from your town was kind enough to post coordinates of the lost plots on the forums, sorry if I claimed a few plots more, if you dont need them do /t unclaim . About stounie12 he hacked somebody and got banned, but I dont know if he was the responsible for the unclaiming, I didnt check, but if he was assistant from your town well he might be involved. The money loss is due to the claiming of the plots lost, which were around 20, so I just added 20k to the town balance.

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