Home Forums Survival General discussion TOWNY PRICE INCREASE ~ Coming Soon!

This topic contains 18 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  x_puppet_master 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #2290 Score: 0


    As of recently, too many new towns of been popping up everywhere and to help fix this issue, we have decided to raise the prices of towny. Etc, the price per towny block, the cost to start a new town and the everyday cost of maintaining a town. This will hopefully stop people from being able to join the server, spend a day on it, then be able to make a town to just take up more space. This update wont happen immediately, as we will give players enough time to prepare for the increase. Keep watch, it should happen in the next few days.


    • This topic was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by  Hobeezy.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by  borncorp.
    #2298 Score: 0


    i guess even eternalcracked is suffering from the economy recession as well…

    #2313 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sounds reasonable, however, the reason there are so many towns isn’t due to it being so cheap, the reason is that for more than two weeks there was no upkeep. Now that upkeep has been fixed most of those new towns have been dropping like flies, give it a week and it will be back to normal.
    The real issue now is that towns no longer revert to wilderness when they collapse, meaning fresh real estate is going to become scarce, worse is that now the world is filling up with invincible chests and furnaces.
    Mayors need a way to remove chests/furnaces/locked (perhaps add them to /plot clear) on their land without moderator intervention, The only one who I see on who removes chests is Aki, and he quickly looses interest in keeping my town clean.
    I have over 100 (I am not exaggerating) chests/furnaces that need removing. That number grows by at least 10 per day.

    #2316 Score: 0


    i completely argue with adck. when u look at the dynamic map, u see sooo much shit just lying around, to the point where potential mayors have to spend days cleaning up an area just to start a town.mods have to start finding a solution for all the furnaces and ruins.

    btw, how much has towny price and upkeep increased to?

    #2321 Score: 0


    Agreed. We should also expand map soon, nearly every place has been fucked by human hands and it looks… ugly

    #2322 Score: 0


    yeah and plz try to not delete town plz

    #2323 Score: 0


    or at least most advanced town like aloneland:metropolis,ikariya:metropolis and Heaven legacy:large town and if i forgot other town plz dont remove them and tell me

    #2324 Score: 0


    plz dont add cost im thinking it too big now so add more will be soooooooooooo costly but you could add the town creation to……100000 and the nation cost…………..150000 i hope that and for area claim humm………………………1000 because there maybe are have destroyed structure and will take moderator to destroy furnace and for the structure it maybe be giant like the giant building near spawn so plz if you read this message and you do like this i will be very gratefull

    #2325 Score: 0

    2 pts

    “i completely argue with adck”

    LOL I think you meant to say ‘Agree’ not ‘argue’

    #2326 Score: 0


    sounds reasonable but i hope they dont increase that much and why is it in this section of the forum LOLZ

    #2342 Score: 0


    haha good point irfan, ty for the correction. thts wat u get writing msgs at 430am in the morning XD

    #2360 Score: 0


    seriously, don’t do this. Some of the towns must be there without the creator having to be online everyday. I mean, this summer, I’ll have to go to “skåne”. I will be away for so long without internet. It’s not a chance that I can keep the town through the summer with these changes.

    I think we shall either be able to somehow “pause” the town for a while or not making this change.

    #2506 Score: 0


    As ADC said , there are over 100 chest and furnaces laying around BSM , there should be a new policy the residents they should remove there crap before leaving the town ,because there just leaving work for mayors and mods, its not the mayors and mods responsibility to clean up the person mess.
    My comment is aimed at the furnaces and chest being left around towns.

    #2538 Score: 0


    well…adck is right.

    #2937 Score: 0


    is there anyway  daily prices could stay the same. i have a town ive had for a while now and im not sure if i could afford higher prices for daily cost.

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