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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #12208 Score: 0


    I would like to report a tp-killer named IXx…..ummm….I don’t really remember his long name, anyways, it started with Ixx and he made me tp to him and killed me twice. So, I am begging so that anyone could help me, he killed me and stole my diamond armor and stuffs…..they were my first diamond armor :(

    Please, borncorp or any mods, help me…..

    #12209 Score: 0


    Oh, and this is my first report…and there are more tp-killers that did the same thing to me. I didn’t know I could report, until my big brother told me to and he wrote this post.

    #12214 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You need to give the full name of that player, and a few screenshots so the mod could do anything. Plus could you tell us the story? Like were u buying anything?

    #12215 Score: 0


    It’s ‘luring’. And, it is your own risk of accepting /tpahere’s.
    I know it is very sad for you. If you tpa’d to him, he probably said: ‘Free diamonds tpa to me.’ If you made screenshots then it would be a report.
    Sorry, I can’t help much,


    #12216 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Why did you teleport to him? Accepting teleports randomly lead to the chance of you being killed. If you were buying something, make sure that next time you do the deal, you do it at spawn or another place you know is safe.

    A full name would be helpful also.


    #12218 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Accepting random tp’s can lead to chu getting killed. I would recomend /tptoggle if someone is spamming it 😛

    #12283 Score: 0


    1. I am not a good rememberer

    2. He logged out after I was killed

    3. He killed me 3 days before, didn’t know I had to report it, and he asked me if I want my stuffs back and I said yes. His house was actually in pvp

    #12397 Score: 0


    I remember now, his name is IxXz3232

    #12398 Score: 0


    Now, please help…



    #12491 Score: 0


    Stick At Most all that will happen is he will be given a ‘lurer’ tag. plus i believe this would have started when you were asking people to give you swords. i hope this has taught you two valuable lessons

    1. dont ask randoms for swords and spam the chat with it

    2. dont accept random tp’s and if they say they will give u sword do it at a safe spot

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