Trapped in Nether Portal (location unknown)


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Trapped in Nether Portal (location unknown)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #32500 Score: 0


    I was playing on the Survival server some time ago, and I found myself wandering in the Nether portal of AeternusUrbis to another portal locked with two iron doors and imposibility to break my way through. I entered the portal again but it led me to somewhere else. I can only see two or four iron doors that don’t let me go through, and again, I’m not allowed to break blocks in order to be free. I can’t use the chat to request in-game help, nor the /home or /spawn commands. Once I find myself on the online map I will give you the coordinates of my location. Please help me, I really like this server.

    #32503 Score: 0


    What about /warp or maybe /kit tools to break the door down?
    I’ve never heard of a case like this, but maybe once you get those co-ords, a mod can perhaps come and break those iron doors.

    #32504 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Who dafuq do placed those freakin fucking shit of doors do u know?

    #32505 Score: 0


    do /suicide. Do you have anything valuable?

    #32506 Score: 0


    try getting a mod to tp to u and help u out

    #32511 Score: 0


    For everyone who has responded in such short time, two things: I really appreciate you could help me out, and two, I cannot access the chat or anything in fact. I am asking directly here on the page so a mod or admin can help me out, since I’ve heard that mods can use /tp on you, and that support is specifically answered in this page, I used it instead of Facebook. Once I find the coordinates, I will post them. @vsub391 I can’t use the “Chat” or “Command” button to write any command in fact, even though I literally have nothing in my inventory. Can anyone tell them, if you keep contact with them?

    #32513 Score: 0


    You’re going to need a Guard Mod+ to tp you out of there, and then using /lb tool, the mods can find out who placed those iron doors and hopefully they’ll get punished.

    #32515 Score: 0


    My recommendation would be to destroy the portal. Break the obsidian or just the portal part.

    #32518 Score: 0

    23 pts

    post the coordinates, you can get them using F3

    #32734 Score: 0


    So here are the coordinates: X=-1506 Y=42 Z=3181. Inside of a Nether Portal with 4 iron doors at each side, unable to break them. There seems to be a man-made stone slab floor and lots of torches.

    #50060 Score: 0


    Any body remembers my problem? Now I can connect and see if you guys can help me out there…

    #50066 Score: 0


    looong ago

    #50071 Score: 0


    Long time.. Can’t you just do /spawn and teleport away from the trap?

    #50128 Score: 0


    Here’s an explicative video to my problem (the description also contains, for those who didn’t read the previous replies, the incapability to write any command):

    #50131 Score: 0


    1. When u are in the middle of the nether portal, the only thing that u can do to get out is to walk out. U have no access to even do chat. Like pressing the chat button will not work. Only way to get out is force tp, blocks that are in your way is to be broken, portal (that purple stuff) removed. Only thing u can do now is to wait for a G+ mod to help you. Or someone in aeterusurnbis to remove the portal.
    I think blocking of nether portal shouldn’t be allowed. Or like to have a 1x1x2 area for the person to walk out so that commands can still be made.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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