Tree Glitched


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Tree Glitched

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  UltraYuseke 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #22038 Score: 0


    I was using tree saplings and bone meal to grow trees, and when I tried to break one of the logs, it said locked. I tried doing /unlock, but it said “You do not own this furnace.” Yes, it said furnace. Can somebody explain to my why this happened, and fix this problem, so that I can get back to tree farming, please?

    #22039 Score: 0


    Go ask a guardian mod, or a head mod and they can unlock it, or break it for you, don’t worry it’s happened to me to.

    #22041 Score: 0

    2 pts

    This happens when mods break chests sometimes, cause they don’t unlock the chests before breaking them the coordinates are still counted as locked, so when someone places something new there it automatically becomes locked.

    You can ‘Fix’ this without a mod since it is wood, place a block of wood 2 blocks below the locked block, set the lower block on fire with flint and steel, and the fire should destroy the locked block. (You will need to turn fire on in permissions for your plot if this is in a town)

    #22042 Score: 0


    He said TREE not chests… Dua

    #22043 Score: 0

    2 pts

    He said TREE not chests… Dua

    Learn to read, I said if someone places something where a locked chest used to be it can sometimes become locked too, like if you grow a tree where a chest used to be.

    #22044 Score: 0


    So u are talking about the block in general?? In the spot it is in?

    #22046 Score: 0



    #22047 Score: 0


    Well, the problem is fixed. Also, for those who said things about that spot being locked:

    I did like ten trees beforehand, and it didn’t happen to those. Anyways,  thanks for your inputs. I know that I can trust the members on here to help when I need it : D

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