Trial Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Trial Moderator Application

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #81169 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hi my in game name is Ender243 and I have an alternate called RedDeath243.
    First of all I want to be a moderator is because I would want to help people understand the game without them having to just quit the game completely.Secondly I have seen some bad and inappropriate language in the server and I would like to really do something help and without having people to misunderstand the server and game.So I hope that I could be a moderator but if not its fine but hopefully I can be a Trial moderator and I am working on my attitude and the way I treat other players.So hopefully I an be a promoted as a Trial Moderator and this should end my application.

    #81170 Score: 0


    Please Follow The Mod App Template :)

    In-game names used: [Name goes here]
    Experience: [Do not advertise]
    How Often you are Online:
    Why you want to become mod:

    #81179 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Mod app template
    In-game name (with right caps):

    Experience: (Do not advertise)

    How often you are online:

    Server you are applying for:

    Why you want to become a mod:
    Any mod apps that either don’t follow the template or are made more than once have a much lower chance of being accepted.

    #81184 Score: 0


    @Leonado134 There is no need to repeat the same thing, scince Still has already mentioned it.

    #81187 Score: 0

    12 pts


    -never see you on the forums

    -never see you in-game (maybe because of time zones but nah)

    -i never see you help people when need it

    -poor Moderator Application

    – you did NOT use the Mod Application template

    -your only in rank A i think

    -i bet you dont know half of the commands for prison

    this is a poor! mod Application. try again in 90 days thank you

    #81190 Score: 0

    Eid has come with blessings and presents, and this application is mine.

    Vote down.

    1. New player
    2. Never been on the forums
    3. Anonymity on the forums/game
    4. Not enough experience as a member
    5. Not enough experience as a moderator
    6. This is literally the first topic you’ve ever made. And it’s an application. Wow
    7. I ate at Nando’s and my butthole is burning
    8. Not enough experience as a forums member
    9. No template. You are supposed use the template when making applications, and you didn’t
    10. This application is really short. I’ve seen better
    11. Never seen you reporting
    12. I’ve seen you at one point, you never talk on the chat
    13. Nor do you help other players
    14. You can help players as a member
    15. You can also report rule-breakers on the forums or to a moderator
    16. If you’re still working on your attitude, then you shouldn’t have written an application. You are supposed to be sure of the helpfulness and positivity of your attitude before becoming a moderator
    17. Not a sign of your experience as a player/member on EC, other servers, and MC in all.
    18. Nor is there a sign of how good you are in PvP, crafting skills, knowledge of the concepts of the game….
    19. Overall, not the worst application I’ve seen, yet needs to be worked on

    I see potential. Do not be discouraged by us and our votes. Learn from them, apply what you’ve learnt to your attitude and knowledge, and you’re good to go.

    #81193 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Agree with richard

    “7. I ate at Nando’s and my butthole is burning”

    What does that mean??

    #81202 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote down

    -Never see you on forums

    -Inactive in Prison[Might be timezones]

    -As Tavon said, I bet you dont know half the commands

    -Never talk in chat

    -Never helps

    -Poor moderator app

    -Never report anything

    -Try again in 3 months.

    #81204 Score: 0

    12 pts

    yea naxt time try again and naxt use this

    mod app template
    In-game name (with right caps):

    Experience: (Do not advertise)

    How often you are online:

    Server you are applying for:

    Why you want to become a mod:

    that will help you. thank you.

    #84572 Score: 0



    Dont judge people just by their ranks dude -.- If you didnt know SydHead became a trial mod at Rank B fyi

    But Yeah im gonna also have to Vote Down.

    -No Mod App Template

    -I Have seen you online, but not as much lately

    -Haven’t seen you help

    -I haven’t seen you report

    #87060 Score: 0


    Move to the other one with template.
    Topic Closed

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