

Home Forums Prison Mod Applications trialmod


This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #66849 Score: 0


    hi i pay to blon 2000 usd$ in game and he promise for trialmod me can i be a trialmod

    #66850 Score: 0

    #66851 Score: 0


    If blon promised you that, than I don’t think he is very a good mod. But I highly doubt he said that. He cannot promote you because he’s only expert and you can’t give us money to give you ranks that is too unfair.

    #66852 Score: 0


    Follow The TEMPLATE or you will never have a chance of being mod, you already created and app and xavier Removed it. Blonftw Cannout even make you an trialmod cause he is a expert mod and You cant just ask for mod rank yuh have to earn it and even if yuh follwed the temp and made a mod app, youre not active,Youre not active on forums, yuh dont help people, making somthing like this or the one before shows you just want mod for power and this shows the lack of knowledge for the server.

    #66853 Score: 0


    Stop making topics like this. If you want to be trialmod you must apply and use the template link given above by Tito361.


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