Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal TRIYING NOT TO GET BANNED

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 12 years ago.

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  • #16943 Score: 0


    i m dimme9 one of the players evryone c online evryday

    I m not banned (at least not yet) but an arguement i had with PigsWillFly and Toblerone007 made me c my mistakes and ask if it s possible not to get banned or if i get i would like to ask not to be banned forever

    the point is that i have locked some doors that i dont remember locking them but ok

    and i got muted for 3 h cauz i was explaining to toblerone some things

    sry for saying so many things but server has become my life and i like my friends and i want to be with them till the server is down ( i hope that wil lnever become)

    and also i believe that some mods r not so reliable but that’s my opinion

    thank u for ur time



    #16946 Score: 0


    The locking of the doors wasnt what we were having problems about. we were having problems because you disrespected the living hell out of me and even toblerone saw it. I have a big fat list of things To get you in trouble for including




    -Accusing me of things i didnt do

    -And Quite a bit More.

    You may hate me for this And i seriously will not care, but i believe you should be banned for these things. you were on thin ice after your last unban then you go ahead and do this? Not the smartest thing to do


    #16949 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Yes Pigs, He told me to spawn him at riverville, but when I heard from Waveware that he’s gonna do revenge to Joshy111, I declined his request. Then he said he is gonna tell his team to vote for my mod application and Pigs or Tob took a screenshot of his Private msg to me and sender it to shaman. Pigs has done a great job as a moderator. I totally appreciate it. thanks Pigs.


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