Turn down Sprigot plugin pleas
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This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Xavier3479 11 years, 3 months ago.
The Sprigot plugin is was i think its called
its slowing down the rate in witch hoppers transfer items
to reduce lag and it also slows down crops and stuff i think to
anyway the ammount its slowed down is to much in my opinion its far
to slow now that we have the Clearlag plugin etc could this plugin
be turned of for an hour or 2 to see if theres no lag without it
and if there is lag being coused by the hoppers can you atleast increase
the limit in wich the items transfer in hoppers thanks
If what primius says is true then this is the reason the melon farms are backing up.Um… EC doesn’t use Spigot, it uses Craftbukkit.
Correct me if I’m wrong. (fairly sure I’m not.)
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
Well EC may not use the said plugin above, but there is something causing the hoppers to be excessively slow.
Lol ever heard of server lag?
i asked a mod if there was and he sead that there is
Ok first things frist Both Craftbukkit and spigot are NOT plugins they are API’s which plugins run off secondly Spigot is the Supped up version of Craftbukkit it’s the FASTER one and that’s why we use it. Spigot does not affect any of the major components of game play including hoppers.
So if you want us to use a faster API we could just go to vanilla wouldn’t that be fun
*mind any misspelling other nonsense doing this on my phoneMinigames Headmod Gra
Well, simply put, Spigot is it. Spigot is that “special sauce” used by many of the world’s top Minecraft servers to ensure that they can cope with their huge player base and ensure the satisfaction of their players. Spigot works by reducing and eliminating many causes of lag, as well as adding in handy features and settings that help make your job of server administration easier.
The end result is your server becomes a cut above the competition, and you no longer have to spend time tearing your hair out over players complaining of lag.
It must also be noted that Spigot is perfect for smaller servers too, especially due to features like cutting idle CPU usage, saving power and other resources when only a few or no players are online.Well, believe it or not, Spigot just a modification. It works exactly like CraftBukkit,
but more efficiently. Spigot only makes the server performance better. And i say That spigot is helping us, not causing us problems.
~CR Admin CheesyMoggswell i was told that there was and i was also told to make a post about it if so 😕 anyway hoppers are slow
Spigot does make the hoppers slower, the way it does this is by slowing down processes which decreases the lag. This includes trees growing slower and such and I am sure it also applies to hoppers.
Yeah, hoppers are transferring 3 times slower than original setting in order to reduce lag. I just resetted that setting, if it lags again I will have to slow it down again.
thanks born appreciate it
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
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