Two Mods Being Rude.


Home Forums Survival General discussion Two Mods Being Rude.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 11 years ago.

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  • #60415 Score: 0

    16 pts

    There was a player, he was asking “Where can I build in RogueCity”, and I replied to him “My town is LaRogueLand”, and I said “Tpa to me for a plot” in TC. BlonFTW and FieryAnubis started making fun of my town’s name. I got a few of the last screens, but they had 2 other insults not shown in the screenshots. I believe one of the insults not in the screenshot was said by Blon and it was “LaRogueIsNotCool”. I have some proof so that you can see what they were doing.


    #60420 Score: 0


    Lol we were joking about the name of your town. You have insulted my town too lol, called it worthless. You might wanna work on yourself before reporting someone else. And btw, you know i was joking, considering i first said, your town should be called RogueCity. So yeah, that all i have to say on the situation.

    #60448 Score: 0


    Even if they werent joking, they can still state their opinion.


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