U MIGHT NEVER SEE me again on ec


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This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Woggy_Moggs 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26581 Score: 0


    hi guys as u know alot of crafters on ec think i am annoyiing it is hard to be my self and ec is turning in to a night mirror i dont have alot of fans i get trolled alot and i have the stupidest warp :( Peace ——————————- 10salamanders

    #26582 Score: 0


    and i got muted for annoucing a drop party so WTF!

    #26583 Score: 0


    ANd deasertman was the one who muted me for 10 mins just for me saying drop party then alot of people on ec try to gang up on me :(((((((((((((((((

    #26584 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    noooooo!!! dont leave!!!!! you is fun to be around and your shop is awesome!! :DDDD DOONNTTT LEAVEE NEVAH LEAVE

    #26586 Score: 0


    I don’t know the full story of why you are leaving 10sal but I’ll be dead honest if you are feeling threatened then you should either talk it out with the admin or leave if you feel you really want to leave this awesome server. I’ve gone through what you’ve felt on another server where I literally had the same feeling as you.

    #26589 Score: 0


    Kk I think deasertmam should get his mute removed or something

    #26591 Score: 0

    1 pt

    10Sal dont leave you are so out going and fun and i really like that. If you want to talk add me on skype tom.tune1 id be happy to talk and help you find a way to make the server enjoyable for you again.

    #26595 Score: 0

    1 pt

    deasertman Obviously muted you for a reason.. If You spammed drop party in wilderness, or a unsafe warp.. different story.

    #26596 Score: 0


    Just cause this happened doesn’t mean you have to leave the server! Who cares about the other players on ec, just ignore them 😛

    #26599 Score: 0


    10sal your shop is awesome, thats the shop i go to most! don’t leave

    #26604 Score: 0

    1 pt

    10salamanders is the coolest nickname i’ve ever seen, thats what i thought when u joined. dude, dont give up. change towns, start small with ur shop and dont bother with trolls. unfortunatelly, the standard behavior in internet (and in real life) is that everyobody is a douche, we gotta accept that and remeber that there are also a lot of nice ppl around.

    i know that deasert might had unadvertedly destroyed ur drop party, but misunderstandings happen, ull get other opportunities later.

    also, to play mc for the purpose of gettin fans isnt going to end well, u gotta find things here that u like other than this.

    winning argument: this is the best server, period.

    #26611 Score: 0


    Your quitting EC for a 10 minute mute? Why. Just Why. Apperently Deasertman had a reason for muting you. Maybe it was for spamming it 10,000 times, but I don’t know. But you don’t have to quit over for one mute, and at that, 10 minutes? You can surely wait for 10 minutes just for that. And people ganging up on you? So what. Ignore them, its very simple.

    #26614 Score: 0

    2 pts

    i agree with stux
    you can get popular by doin youtube vids like captainsparklez
    i remeber when i started minecraft that old videos

    #26615 Score: 0

    2 pts

    he started the youtube vids (captainsprklez)

    #26620 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Stux put the words perfectly!

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