UlasAdem's Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal UlasAdem's Ban appeal

This topic contains 14 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #73800 Score: 0


    Ingamename: UlasAdem
    Where you have been banned: in survival
    Why you have been banned: not respecting
    Who banned you: RiverRuner600
    Why should we unban you: im sorry im was sad and mad cuz i saw no one loves me :( thats all. And i wont do it again.

    #73801 Score: 0


    The way you disrespected seth and i was unacceptable. Since you promised me that you wont disrespect us and the whole server again . My vote is up. Do not do this again.

    #73802 Score: 0


    Agree with river Vote Up

    #73805 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I agree with River too.

    #73807 Score: 0


    LOL you hold the record of bans. You got banned on 2 servers in 1 day. But i also think you should have another chance.

    #73808 Score: 0


    If this is your first ban then you’ll be unbanned in 24 hours. However if you are unbanned don’t do it again. Otherwise the consequences will be worse next time.

    #73809 Score: 0

    -Multiple accounts of disrespect
    -Disrespecting more than one moderator
    -Banned on Creative for griefing/building inappropriate structures
    -Spamming, annoying, trolling people

    So yeah…

    #73812 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    You should get another chance , I saw you so sad because you thought everyone hates you ..
    That’s nit true , be your self and don’t allow people to make you sad
    Wish that you be happy
    Next time there is no more chance left

    #73819 Score: 0


    @MSN, this is his first ban on this account i guess,he is also montaser0kanan

    #73821 Score: 0


    Well UlasAdem… You have been banned on your other account and on this one from creative, survival and tempbanned from prison for disrepecting 😐
    You were disrespecting EpicnessFilms and megaseth20 in survival … Then you came in prison and kept disrespecting EpicnessFilms. You were tempbanned. After this when i was in minigames someone came and said to me UlasAdem was griefing a plot… I came and saw you griefing EpicnessFilms plot while putting Inappropriate signs . You pretended that it was your plot but no… Now you are banned from two servers and tempbanned in prison server. You took as an excuse : No one loves me. Well friendship in this server comes with frendship and respect from you to the other 😉 I am sorry but i have to vote middle-down.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  AgentLOLz_.
    #73824 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I do not agree on getting him unbanned, you should know when you went far off, but your reason is invalid for me. Maybe people don’t love you because you are a rule breaker, have you ever thought of that?

    #73826 Score: 0


    1st: You started to disrespect me and megaseth020 for not making you assistant in our Town
    2nd: You left the town kept saying bad thinks about us in Main chat and kept saying {I HATE YOU EPICNESS AND MEGASETH}
    3rd: you went to Prison and kept Disrespecting me and Requestion to Get Banned
    4th You went To Creative and i had you added to my plot Because i thought we were friends But you Griefed my 100×100 plot that i had some COOL arts on It
    and you made some inapp stuff IN my plots Then Agent reported it to me which i didnt clear the plot so a HeadMod see what you did
    And Last point is That you made your brother Ask An ExpertMod ( we don’t need to know his name ) To Go to minigames to talk to you but he was busy so i came and all you said is sorry i thought you guys didn’t love me and i want to be banned

    So yea my Vote is Middle-UP Why? Because i know That you love EC But that was a punishment if you did Anything Wrong again The Mod Team will Give you a bigger punishment So yea Try to not do this again

    ~TrialMod EpicnessFilms
    ~Epic is out

    #73827 Score: 0


    Again, he has promised that he will “never” do it again, he is now aware that if he does it for the last time. It will result as a perm ban.

    #73829 Score: 0


    montaser , im your big brother thats mean i know what is the best for you , i’ll Vote Up for you , but the next time i see you acting like dis , i’ll delete minecraft from your labtop ._. , im not kidding ._. , i’ll give ya another chance , dont waste it .
    Vote Up

    #GreenWasHere .

    #73830 Score: 0

    3 pts


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