Um…. Mini zambies at pvphill?


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Um…. Mini zambies at pvphill?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  xxTheLoneWolfxx 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #111487 Score: 0


    Ok so the reason why I am doing this is cause I keep lagging out and its REALLY annoying. Theres a LOAD of mini zombies with leather boots/gold swords, full chainmail skeletons with fire bows, and witches which ALL SEEM TO BE INVINCABLE!!! It was at pvphill. Survival server. Idk whats going on. And how I know they are invincable – Apparently 1 god sword hit and 10 iron sword hits doesnt do ANY DAMAGE!

    PROOF :

    Someone please give me an explanation

    #111488 Score: 0

    #111490 Score: 0


    they have a large regen potion buff, it is possible to kill them if you spam god sword on them.

    It is a rare event that occurs every now and then for fun

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