Unban ihateherobrine


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Unban ihateherobrine

This topic contains 19 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Nhu 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #28976 Score: 0
      Who banned me: I dunno
      Why do you want to get unbanned: It has been a long time since I have not been here, and I am so sorry for using hacks.
      The server you want to get unbanned from: Hub.
      Ign: ihateherobrine (duh)
      Other info:
      I will never use hax again
      Reason I was banned: Confessed having hacks.
    #28980 Score: 0

    7 pts

    What kind of hacks do you use?
    I don’t think you can get unbanned again. Hack Clients deals big penalties because it makes major cheats that would be unfair for everyone.

    I still don’t think you will get unbanned.

    #28990 Score: 0


    Just so you know, they won’t unban you! Ive tried to get unban for the same reason!

    #28991 Score: 0

    I was using Nodus then.

    #28995 Score: 0


    epicman dont show your pathetic face on these fourms. Get out of here idiot.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  Xavier3479.
    #28998 Score: 0


    ihateherobrine, I am not a mod but I am just saying that if you hacked, the odds are that you will not be allowed back on. I know x-ray is perma-ban. Epicman just get off the forums, you will not be unbanned. Just leave.

    #28999 Score: 0


    Epicman you are pathetic little piece of shit. You keep throwing players down that actually don’t betray trust twice. Why don’t you leave? Get a life. Get it into your head NOBODY WANTS YOU ON THE SERVER YOU STUPID PILE OF YANKIE DANKEY DONKEY DOODLE SHITE…haha you are just so pathetic its funny. You think you’d get unbanned? You think you have a say on the forums? You think you’re worth something here? NO YOU ARE NOT 😀 LEAVE NOBODY WANTS YOU BACK you juvenile. And let me tell you something…you bullying other players just shows how big a fuckhead you are. You put others down to make yourself feel better. Why don’t you go do something else and stop wasting our valuable time with your utter bullshit.

    Ihateherobrine, if its your first strike then its only a temp ban. At least you confessed. Hope you don’t do it again. Good luck

    #29470 Score: 0

    I did not use xray, only Fly/jump hax.
    Its been like a few months since the ban and… it did not say tempban
    it said perma ban :p

    #29472 Score: 0

    well, the ban is perma untill unban

    #29473 Score: 0

    I really miss stux (my town’s assistant, i forgot the name of the town), and the melon farm etc etc.

    #29474 Score: 0


    ihateherobrine is this your first offense or second? if it is your first you should be tempbanned not perm. And epicman1248 you hacked an account and used 2 alts, much more serious than hack clients. No one wants to see your ugly face epicman. Get lost from EC! Fuck Off! You should be banned from the forums!

    #29475 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Ok so as dantheracer wrote was it your first or second offence and shut up about epic guys this topic has nothing to do with him you just giving him the attition he wants and watch you language plz this isnt the school yard.

    Moderator Gra0067

    #29626 Score: 0

    It was my 1st one but the server antiHAX thing permabanned i think :p

    #29628 Score: 0


    if it is your first you should be unbanned, let the mods know so they can unban you

    #29645 Score: 0



    My opinion is to not let you back, sometimes we give people another chance yes thats right. But you been spamming other people their topics to just to get a mods atention. Well you have it now.

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