Unban me pls!


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Unban me pls!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  RiverRunner600 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #92762 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: Neku900
    When were you banned: 19/01/2015
    Why were you banned: In. Plot
    Who banned you: SquirtleTriesMC
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: ’cause I didn’t do anything,I only build a tower of stone brick (what isn’t suggestive!),later,when I enter in the server,I was banned!

    #92765 Score: 0


    We checked the logs.. And according to it, you were the one building the Inappropriate thing. Please don’t lie in your appeal, it will just reduce your chance to get unbanned.

    #92768 Score: 0


    What thing is it? A pen(cencored) or something? ’cause I didn’t do anything! I promise,I only build a tower,with 4 windows,the floor of all the plot are hardened clay! I ONLY DID THAT! Please! My favorite server is creative!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  FuriousKnight. Reason: Filtered word
    #92773 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hi :) Have you added someone to your plot? Or could anyone else build on the plot you were building? It happens (rarely, but, yeah) that someone tries to get someone else banned by destroying.. well, the victim’s build and making it look like an inapp plot.

    Or, maybe, without meaning to, you mistakenly built an inapp-looking thing in the house, or something like that? It sounds stupid but it happens 😛

    I’ll ask if someone can go check right now (can’t go online). Btw, don’t join the server with another account when one of yours accounts is banned. You’ll be unbanned anyway.
    Oh, if you’re lying (you seem sincere though), it’ll just reduce your chances of getting unbanned (oh wait Dark already told you that 😛 )

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #92858 Score: 0


    Thanks! I’m not a liar,really. Maybe I build the tower and it looks like something innapropiate,my error! I’m really sorry

    #92918 Score: 0



    Edit by Dice (sorry River, it’s to not use another post): Have fun on the server, Neku :) We still can’t reach Squirtle to ask him, so ye. Still need to un-ipban you..

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Dicedead.
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