Unban me?


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Unban me?

This topic contains 130 replies, has 36 voices, and was last updated by  Zevguns 10 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 131 total)
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  • #13739 Score: 0


    i say unban shiv every time ive dealt with him hes  been helpful and a good player i think hes learnd his lesson after the long amount of time that he has been banned

    #14680 Score: 0


    I never really got any answer from the last comment…is this still going on? Still under discussion?

    #15468 Score: 0


    Ahhh, Shiv just be patient I’m sure they already read your forum posts and I think they are deciding. However, I think you should stop bumping your thread so others could have a chance to get their threads on the front page. I would also like to say that I support the unbanning of Shiv because well, because its only his first offense, and everyone deserves a 2nd chance, besides the mods will remove all of your stuff so isn’t that enough of a punishment? Sorry if my post is too long.

    #15964 Score: 0


    Yeah, uh, sorry for all the bumps. (I guess this technically is a bump). But just saying, it’s sorta the 2nd offense, although the first one didn’t involve me getting banned or temp-banned or anything. All that happened was that my mod app was removed. And this thread has been going on for about 2 months now… I was banned 4 months ago.

    #17094 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I think that all these votes will make A difference. But one vote alone will make every thing. This guy was A really good friend. And, Like I’ve said before, Every one should get another chance. Please consider un-banning shiv. He was A really friendly person. And, When joining to see him been banned. It was really heart breaking. This guy deserves to be un-banned. He has made every thing right. And, I say this not just as A MOD, But, As his friend, Too. He seems like an innocent person.   And, It would seem wrong to keep him banned. So please think about doing this, It would really help A LOT!


    -Bender, The Mod.

    #17096 Score: 0


    Unban shiv!! We’re in desperate need of him.

    #17101 Score: 0


    we are?

    #17103 Score: 0


    this is still going on? wow thats alot of comments

    #17240 Score: 0


    83 replies, counting this one. dang.

    #17738 Score: 0


    Vote up. If a lot of people voted up for him to be unbanned, me too.

    #18775 Score: 0


    Unban him!

    #20418 Score: 0


    I’ve been trying to get unbanned for around 6 months now. As you can see, this is one of the few servers I enjoy(ed) playing on. I only ask for one more chance, I promise not to break any rules or any wrongdoings. I promise you now that I’ve experienced how it is to be banned, especially for this long period of time, I’ll never do anything to put me in this position again. Please unban me.


    #20719 Score: 0

    14 pts

    comon, born just unban shivpatel, it been 6 freaking months

    #20722 Score: 0


    Born please just f****** unban him!!!
    It’s been to long!!


    #20845 Score: 0


    I’d really like to be unbanned. I won’t break rules like I used to. That was the old me. People, such as Xavier and Wither (hjiejiang), would not want me to be unbanned if I was going to dupe again. This shows that I’m not going to. I’ll live up to others’ expectations of me, and my own expectations.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 131 total)

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