Unban :O


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Unban :O


This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #69690 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I was mining to get stone with my god pick and i luckily found a bunch of diamonds and a dungeon and I got banned, well if I would be a mod i would ban myself too if I was spectating myself, i just strip-mined down and found a double dungeon, after that i found a cave that leaded to an open place with 8 diamond and after that i went over a lava pool and found 2 diamonds again and i was mining a lot of redstone… I swear I was not xraying at all… Please unban me. Thanks in forward!

    #69691 Score: 0


    And… Why am I banned too? We’re on the same ip.. And my accounts Pasoca2003 and _Diamonds_Girl_got banned too. O_o Please unban me…

    #69692 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I forgot to add the template though:
    In-game name (with right caps): 00100101
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): xray?
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.): survival
    Who banned you: idk
    Why you should be unbanned: because I didn’t use xray .-., read above…

    #69695 Score: 0


    Hello there,

    00100101 you have been followed for a longer while and you have been banned for Xray before. The reason you gave me isnt really a reason for me to unban you right now.

    For you Pasoca2003,
    The account automaticly gets IP banned if its caught using a ”hacked client” thats why you have been banned too.

    #69696 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I swear I wasn’t xraying, I wasn’t xraying last time i got banned either!
    Please unban me I’m very active on the server and I would never risk it to get banned… You have to trust me. I’m glad to hear again of you!

    #69697 Score: 0


    Okay I can’t see why I’m not getting unbanned….

    #69699 Score: 0


    Pasoca you aren’t getting unbaned because if you get unbaned also 00100101 will get unbaned.

    #69700 Score: 0


    What?! lol That can’t be true… I can’t get banned lol…

    #69701 Score: 0


    Hello there,

    I will give you another chance, may this come up again you understand it wont be good.

    You will be unbanned.

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