unban please


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal unban please

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  RiverRunner600 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #79732 Score: 0


    Please banearon I was in survival server and my friend dmohme we also please ask unban

    #79736 Score: 0

    1 pt

    pls follow the ban template so mods unbann you

    #79740 Score: 0


    igra next time put the template. Youre not making this better for him to understand what to do.

    @FlyingOliver tienes que segir un template para que te desbanean.

    Usa esto:

    Que es tu nobre en el juego? (con tapas derecha):
    ¿Por qué te banearon? (rayos X, spam, etc):
    ¿Dónde estas banean (Hub, Survival, etc):
    ¿Quién te baneo:
    ¿Por qué usted debe estar desbaneado?:

    #79741 Score: 0

    1 pt

    xXk1ngxr3aperXx ya yo se lo dije por el chat de EC no me gusta que digan que hice algo mal cuando en realidad si lo hice bien

    #79744 Score: 0


    porque baneado: dice que fui baneado por bypassing
    donde estoy baneado: servidor de supervivencia
    quien me baneo: no se no me dice quien fue
    porque debo estas desbaneado: porque el servidor me gusta mucho y no he echo nada malo como para que me baneen

    #79746 Score: 0


    Translation (best of my abilities)

    name: FlyingOliver
    because I banned: it says that I was banned for bypassing
    where I am banned: survival server
    who ban me: can not not tell me who was
    because I have these unbanned: because the server I really like and I have not done anything bad that I banned.

    #79756 Score: 0


    cuanto tarda masomenos que me desbaneen :/ quiero de verdad jugar

    #79764 Score: 0

    I will translate it better, i’m good at spanish.
    name: FlyingOliver
    why am i banned: it says that i’m banned by bypassing.
    where am i banned: survival
    who banned me: i dont know
    why should you be unbanned: because i love the server and i didn’t do anything bad to be banned.

    #79771 Score: 0


    Unbanned soon dont worry

    #79775 Score: 0


    Well i dont speak spanish but maybe a spanish speaker or translator would trasnlate this for him.
    I banned you because you have a linked account that has been banned,it was zedo_mann. also you are dmohme so next time only make 1 ban appeal.
    Thank you.

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