unbanned me very please


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal unbanned me very please


This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  RiverRunner600 10 years ago.

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  • #89672 Score: 0


    in game name : tinman0410
    banned because: kill aura
    banned in: survival
    thehighoreo banned me
    because i love this server so much and actually i’m not using a kill aura i’m turned off my opacity chat settings so please unban me T_T

    #89674 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    hm.. so this is your 2nd offense on Sr (low chance of getting unbanned) but I’m not the one to decide it you’re getting unbanned or not. I’ll forward this to higher mods so they can dealt with this.

    #89676 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I do believe it is your second offense, even after you were warned to remove hacks before…

    #89680 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Your record shows you to be rather inappropriate & disrespectful.
    With the amount of warnings you’ve had, you should ease up and be a good citizen by now, especially since you’re friends with a mod (Leonando134) in real life.
    Turning off your chat, or even turning it down, doesn’t provide much benefit to killing stuff, besides not being distracted by the flood of money, and people talking in main chat, town chat, or even private message.
    In the video, it seemed apparent that you indeed were using some sort of advantageous mod.

    #92383 Score: 0


    Since you were banned only once on Sv, im going to give you only 1 chance to prove yourself. Unbanned and do not ever try to do it again.

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