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This topic contains 23 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 11 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)
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  • #27841 Score: 0


    Stux thats a good point since its only fair, however I feel mayor doesn’t have to since he/she has to actually do the most in the town.

    #29362 Score: 0


    I agree with bummer

    #29604 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Upkeep now has decreased,10$ each plot i think it ll make it decrease ALOT in 90% of the towns

    #30505 Score: 0


    My town is charged $5300 A DAY! i say put it back to $2500 a day

    #30506 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Upkeep is off right now, I figured we need to set up a minimum and maximum tax, I havent found a way to do this in towny config so if I cant figure out a way I will have to raise upkeep to $4000 a day.

    #30507 Score: 0


    4000 a day is kinda high for a small town O.o

    #30509 Score: 0

    2 pts

    4000 is nothing, build a small melon farm (by small i mean one with 200ish pistons) and just run it once a day

    #30517 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I think a good solution would be that we would increase the upkeep to 4,000$ as said above, and the plot-claim cost to 2,000$ per plot claimed. I’m not talking about how we did with the 10$ thing, I’m talking about when you claim a plot, and the amount of money withdrawn from the bank. It’s currently 1,000$, but if it’s increased it would prevent some people from claiming so much land Also, ADCK we know 4,000$ isn’t that much though our goal is to remove ghost towns / inactive towns or weak towns, so if it’s increased to 4k and the town doesn’t have alot of balance ( Since they’re inactive etc) and noone can deposit, they will fall sooner or later. It might not stop the whole idea of these towns, like inactive towns with over 500k, though it would remove alot of ones that are weak.

    #31084 Score: 0

    14 pts

    A Week ago: 10$ per plot (me) unclaim land here, there, everywhere

    Now: 4k per day…… piece of ****. talks to mod, this is temp….. unclaiming more and more land now….

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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