Useful Idea For The Next Ore Party


Home Forums Prison Feedback Useful Idea For The Next Ore Party

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Furious_Green/Adnan Kanan 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #106690 Score: 0

    guys , there is a problem , about missing the ore party thing and knowing about the exact time thats da ore party starts , sooo , why cant we add a sign with a timer . for example in 17th of this month add a sign timer for 34 hour(idk how much you decide) untill the party starts using that sign , will make others join , ppl will pm,skype or facebook each other to call em to join them in the party :)

    #106694 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m not sure but I think that the prison staff are still deciding on a time, cause from what I know it will be the same time every month (automated oreparty)

    Also, this was also suggested by maxminoS, you know, adding a sign which holds a timer as to when the oreparty will start, so I think the mods are thinking about this as well.

    #106727 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I kinda suggested like what we see in the mines. The sign to countdown for reset.

    #106750 Score: 0

    2 pts

    The Countdown system will be implemented in next month’s ore party. For this month, we are implementing automated ore party. There will be a lot of changes and improvements. But we will need to set it up manually for the first run which is this Saturday. Thanks for the feedbacks :)

    #106753 Score: 0

    np :) , and GL all in the Next Ore Party :) , hope ya all join it

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