Home Forums Survival General discussion VERY SAD

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Wills 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #21342 Score: 0


    may i suggest to ppl playing on eternal cracked that we do a project to help promote our server. each day, i either see some ppl rage quiting becos’ they don’t know what to do, or like, doing something wrong which they didn’t know that was wrong, thus resulting in getting banned.

    may i seek permission from born to start a compeitition to upload awesome videos to help promote ec?

    in the old times, there used to be 50-60 ppl playing ec when i log in, nowadays, it has declined to 20-30 ppl on the survival one. and i’m really, really SAD! this is an awesome server and will always be an awesome one. but for the compeitiotion, i can’t think of a prize to the best video uploaded on youtube about ec. so may some kind ppl contribute to the compeitition even tho there is no prize, or a little prize?

    pls do it if born allows me, it is for the sake of our awesome server. if born allows me, may someone pls opt to be a judge?

    #21349 Score: 0


    can you help me i got problem with the multiplayer?


    #21350 Score: 0

    #21359 Score: 0


    Instankill, i think that you’ve updated to 1.5.2 but the server is still running on 1.5.1

    I’ve heard that EC will be updating in the next couple days and when tht happens, you should be able to join back.

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