vincent_genius50's ban appeal


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal vincent_genius50's ban appeal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  dr4gon1234 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62895 Score: 0


    Full In-Game name: vincent_genius50
    Who banned you: I was not able to see who banned me
    Why you were banned: I was banned because I logged in using an inappropriate name.
    When you were banned: I think it was about a week ago.
    Why you should be unbanned: This is my favorite server. This is the only server I play in. I promise to be more respectful and to never do that action again.
    Which server you’re banned from: survival

    P.S. Takoballball I am really sorry, I was really mad at you that time.

    #62900 Score: 0


    Vote up

    #62912 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I say that he should not be given another chance. Well, first, before you made the account, you lied in your mod app, you were being rude and inappropriate in game, and you were constantly being rude as well. Now, you decided to make an inapporpriate name to break a server rule, and you expect us to auto un-ban you and say “Don’t do that again”, and then you’d say “ok”. I do not think you have learned your lesson, and I think this should at least be a 24 hour temp ban.

    #62916 Score: 0


    So when can I re enter the server Rogue_Art?

    #62917 Score: 0


    And by the way I have not entered the server yet for 1 week or more. I cannot get in but it said that it was only A 24 hour ban.

    #62922 Score: 0


    I think you’ll be unban soon!
    Good Luck

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