Viruses, XBL or proxy?


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Viruses, XBL or proxy?

This topic contains 25 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Zevguns 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #43269 Score: 0

    3 pts

    So, today its the fifth day i m trying to FINALLY connect, and i still cant (dammit). I get the message “You are listed in XBL” blablabla. The really important parts are the first 2. In the third, i m just saying whats a proxy and how to make a pc became one.

    I checked every minute, for every ip possible, for my internet and my pc: NOTHING. I m not listed in XBL, SBL or (the third one). Oh, and Chainr3action’s topic didnt helped :(
    SpamHaus is an organisation, created to get money from the PCs it hacks, covered by NSA.

    Yesterday, I downloaded “SpyHunter” antivirus. I scanned, and i seen there was 13 trojans and other viruses (holy sh**). I came back today, i was like “yeeaah goodbye freakin viruses! :D”. BAM. Nothing, still the same message. I scanned TOONS of time, and no more virus.

    A proxy is a computer that is a relay point for messages and other stuff. In MC, when u create a server that is hosted DIRECTLY on ur pc (means: its not 24/24, theres the console to open and close), some plugins make him became a proxy during the time the server is OPENED, not when its closed. Ofc proxies are used for more things than minecraft bukkit plugins 😛 I dont even have a server (i just erased all the memory so my server is gone with it :P).

    Sooo yeah ty for reading, and maybe for helping -if its possible D:- :).

    #43283 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Well in that case, try to restart your router. Hope this helps Dice 😉

    #43285 Score: 0

    3 pts

    i did already and it didnt changed anything (in lebanon sometimes the electricity restart so yeah the internet restart with it) ty anyways 😀

    #43287 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Does it happen when you join other servers too?

    #43288 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Strangely no… Only on EC 😐

    #43293 Score: 0


    Theres a lot of things that happen “Only on EC” beacause born has a TON of protection plugins that other servers dont usually have.

    #43299 Score: 0

    1 pt

    1. Go here:
    2. Insert your ip and check if it’s listed or not.
    3. If you can’t find your ip, just google “what’s my ip?”
    4. Your ip should be listed on PBL and XBL.
    5. It should say something like: Your ip bla is listed in XBL because it is bla in CBL.
    6. CBL should be a link, click it and it will redirect you to a page.
    7. While you’re on that page find where you should unblock your ip.
    8. When you’ve done all steps correctly wait for 30 mins – 1 hour.
    9. If it doesn’t work you have a shitty antivirus.

    Have a nice day! :)

    #43300 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I already did this 500 times, results: my ip is not listed on spamhaus, and i deleted TOONS of viruses with the new antivirus i downloaded. Theres no more of them now :|.
    Ty anyways 😀

    #43315 Score: 0


    Get Avast! Antivirus Program or AVG there both free.

    #43318 Score: 0



    #43319 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Try this. Is one of the best free virus scanners.

    #43322 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Around about 15 years of owning a PC, never once had a virus, I use the best anti-virus around, it’s called: Common Sense™
    You install it into your head and miraculously you’ll stop going to shifty websites, you’ll stop running programs when you have no idea what they do, you’ll no longer implicitly trust everything and everyone on the internet, you’ll begin to surf smartly and safely.
    You can download Common Sense™ from

    #43328 Score: 0


    That link gave me a virus that hacked my credit -_- ( for those of you who think im stupid, im just kidding)

    #43339 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Ty guys 😀 i m gonna try them later (yeah i cant now).
    Lets see if the 50$ i paid for this freakin limited version of norton were crap…

    #43340 Score: 0


    I have that problem too, but after this
    it just solved my XBL probs. Well, atleast you don’t have to waste any money. Just follow the steps that posted by Chainr3action, you’ll get rid of the XBL probs.

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