Voting suggestion!


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  2Federal 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #103976 Score: 0


    I had a idea Becuase we actually get nothing for voting, I mean, that’s not gonna stop me but I had some ideas,

    1. A iron pickaxe with eff 2 unb 2
    2. 10k (In Game Money)
    3. 10 Fires
    4. A new coin system, vote and you get a coin, there could be shop where you trade coins for really OP stuff!

    Anyways, how are you gonna know they voted for prison and not factions? :000, I was thinking, if they are online, just make it to the server they are on, if they are online at prison, the get a prison reward, if they were facs, they get Fac reward, and if they are in the hub or offline,just give them the prize to the last server they had joined

    #103994 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Voting is only for telling your reasons on why he / she should be a Mod or not.

    #103995 Score: 0


    Oops! I did not mean a
    That kind of vote! I guess I wasn’t specific, the kind of vote when you vote for the server, meaning you like it, so it will get higher in the top servers list. EXPAMLE: in the server type /vote , that’s what I was talking about

    #103997 Score: 0

    2 pts

    The server voting Tavon not mod app votes

    #104045 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I am sorry about that. Didn’t really know.

    But the mods already have something better for voting.
    When you vote for Prison, you can get up to 10k-1m if your lucky. But I think this wont get re-added? Again. But hey who knows :O

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