W9mohamed's prison mod app


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications W9mohamed's prison mod app

This topic contains 22 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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  • #85718 Score: 0


    i didn’t want to make a long mod app cause i didn’t want to bore you guys :)

    #85719 Score: 0

    Longer applications are the key.

    #85721 Score: 0


    Updated mod app: my ingame name game is w9mohamed i have been on the server for about a year now i’m always on i’m on at least 4 hours a day and i’m on everyday i always chat with people and if you asked me for help i will help 😀 i know the commands i want to be a mod to help people and make the server better 😀

    #85725 Score: 0

    12 pts
    #85726 Score: 0


    this is what i did at first tavon…

    #85732 Score: 0

    1 pt

    If you’d like to change your mod app, just click edit, just to keep this topic short and not have like 20 pages because everybody had to make a new comment for a new sentence.

    Also, I vote down. My reasons for my decisions are:
    -Not active, forums and in-game.
    –> I don’t usually play on prison, but have played on it quiete a bit, and I am online allmost for a timespan of 20 hours, if school isn’t in my way, so timezones are pretty much out of order here, as for the forums, a broken account isn’t a good reason, as a new one can be made quick and easy.

    -Bad mod app.
    –> At first you had a short mod app, not making your statement clear enough, and then you made a mod app basically like I am making my text right here, making it even harder to understand basically.

    That’s all for me, I can’t judge your “helpfullness” or your “friendlyness” as I have actually never seen you before, so that is up to the players who do know you. I’d say let this one rest, and try again in a while…


    #85734 Score: 0


    `new account means a new username and i don’t want to change it
    and i only play on prison and i play on factions and survival from time to time so that’s why you don’t see me and ask anyone else i’m always active in game

    #87548 Score: 0

    2 pts


Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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