Walls minigame


Home Forums Minigames Map Sharing Walls minigame

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #32670 Score: 0


    So i was wandering if walls should be added it holds 4 players in its lobby


    So if the head mod omega wants to add it i fine if he doesnt im fine so yeah


    #32672 Score: 0


    I must agree that walls is indeed a fun game. HOWEVER unless that plugin just makes the walls shrink to the ground without falling sand it would cause an insane amount of lag.

    Vote Middle


    #32673 Score: 0


    It causes insane lag as noted above. Also, I am not sure how many people would want to play walls. I play the walls and it is only fun when there are many people (at least 3 per team). I am not sure about this but I actually love the walls.

    #32674 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I joined a server with walls, spleef, and hg…. I don’t know which one was hg and which one was walls and when i played walls, i had like a problem with countdown. Think it is fun

    #32675 Score: 0


    LOL It’s funny that you release this topic directly after I install the plugin, and create the games. @Xavier3496, I decided that the sand would be laggy, so I customized the plugin and made the whole wall disappear at once. It’s already added, but severely under testing, though I have released it to the public. There are a few issues here and there, it’s just WorldGuard I’m working on sorting out. Have fun!

    -HeadMod Omega

    #32676 Score: 0


    Damn Omega… Psychic

    #32677 Score: 0


    Hell ya, @fluffyfan

    #32690 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Huuhhh i seen this minigame on another server and yeah its funny but laggy :a

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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