We claimed some land but it was unclaimed?


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report We claimed some land but it was unclaimed?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bleh 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #31320 Score: 0


    Basically my town (australia) had a spawner that waas claimed and it was a while away from our town, but the route there was also claimed. I went there today and I got killed there which I would be angry about except then I found that the area was in the wilderness. I know for a fact that we have claimed the area before since I could see it on the map that we claimed it and none of the assistants would have unclaimed the area so what happened? Could someone please help! Thanks! 😀

    #31321 Score: 0


    The person who killed me used to be a mod and now isnt but goes by a different name if that helps

    #31323 Score: 0


    who was it?

    #31329 Score: 0


    I’m not sure if I should say…

    #31354 Score: 0

    7 pts

    bleh, there is a rule to not claim town plots by snail tracks and it will be cleared if seen. so if the path to the spawner is using snail tracks, it will be unclaimed.

    #31367 Score: 0


    I see. Thanks!

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