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Home Forums Prison Feedback We need you!

This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin77555 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67491 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Alright so reply to this thread with ideas, things to add, things to change, and any suggestion that you think would be fun/nice to add to the prison server. Now just because you make a suggestion here doesn’t mean it will be added, and absurd requests will just be thrown out. So speak your honest opinion here and we will do our best to make the server better for everyone.

    #67492 Score: 0

    2 pts


    #67494 Score: 0


    I suggest a Mob Farm and More ways to get money




    #67495 Score: 0


    I suggest a Sign Bank so someone can save the Experiences if they will die.

    Thank You :)

    ~ RY4J

    #67500 Score: 0


    1)I suggest that you add a Tree Farm as in TREES not just the logs so that players are able to get a different type of food and also make gold/god apples! 2) I feel like how RY4JisHere said add Sign Banks, as I see lots of people in the lower ranks losing lots lots of xp levels when if the had sign bank they could save them up for rank A. 3) Voting rewards, make it so that if someone votes for the server they get like money or a item! 4) Donator BM, you should make it so that when there is donating for prison server that if you buy a rank or something that you can get access to DBM (Donator BlackMarket). This will have a bigger place for donators to make there shops and will be cheaper than normal BM 5) Donator Mine, this would be a mine where only donators can get into and it would have more ores than the normal mine would. 6) Last thing kind of a personal one add one more bookshelf at enchant area in A lol!

    I hope that you guys like my ideas if I think of anymore I will repost!

    #67509 Score: 0


    Good Idea,Heyman!

    But,I think Voting for the server for money is not good?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RY4JisHere.
    #67517 Score: 0


    Well it does not have to be money it just be as simple as getting 1 diamond in return for voting!

    #67522 Score: 0


    Okay back with some more ideas

    1) Make it so that people can go outside, but put up fences! I think this would be a good idea so that is more like a real prison server! 2) Make it so that the players could possibly escape 3) With number two being said you should also get the guards plugin!

    #67524 Score: 0


    ^^^ Great ideas Heyman but i think escape should be like a maze with lava holes in it, a really really really hard parkour ( jumps 4blocks long and one block higher and fence / ladder parkour), make it that guards will be between each challenge and that it has also a tripwire at the end that runs the clear inventory command so people can’t have diamonds as soon as they’re out.If an escaper is caught he will be reported because he’s for example [D]Stuff. A reported escaper would be brought back to jail at rank E (since you forgot it) wich has the worst mines and needs 40k to rankup . He will also have o$/€/£/¥/L.L ( L.L is lebanese balance ‘Lira lebnanyeh’. Remember, it’s just suggestions but i think it’ll be cool.~SlimeHunterz~MULTICOLORS :)

    #67526 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Make it so people can go outside. Good idea
    Escaping Not that great of an idea
    Guard plugin Eh maybe in the future

    #67527 Score: 0


    Great ideas I agree with them all!^

    I will be posting more ideas soon!!

    #67535 Score: 0


    Oh yeah one more thing that I was thinking was that if they got caught like you said send them to the E mine. I feel that that mine should just be stone and all they have to mine it is a endless supplie of wooden pickaxes!

    #67537 Score: 0


    Oh yeah also with what epic said about the farms I feel like they would just make players to OP do to if they used that all day they could get Pro4 and god swords in not time so sorry epic but I disagree with that one!

    Okay some more ideas
    1) A quick way to make money, make it so that players can get 80-100 dollars for killing someone this will encourage players to pvp and also if they win they will be rewarded! 2) Make it so that when a player is in his/hers cell they can place stuff down, but can only remove the stuff they placed. This will make it easier for those whom wish to use an anvil! 3) POTIONS! I think that you should make it so that players are able to make/use potion, but have limits. You might be thinking limits? Yes limits as in make it so that they are only allowed to make normal potions like healt 1 ,speed 1 and so on. Then make it so that if they get caught with a higher level of potion they will have to pay a fine for it! 4) Gangs! Since players are already making these “teams” why don’t we just make it legit. By adding the gangs plugin. So that players will be able to have there own gang. 5) With number for being said you should also add riots for em gangs! 6) This is for if you add guards plugin, you should make it so that the leader of the gang can bribe the guard into letting them have a riot!

    Thats all I got for now!

    #67538 Score: 0


    Maybe implement the /ee commands? if not and that’s really over powered maybe make the /ee limit like sharpness 1 or protection 1 so you can be sure you get it every time. If not and thats still too over powered then I say make the moderators not so overpowered. I think the weapons they have are too strong for their own good and are extremely deadly. I’m not quite sure what the point of that is. But those are some suggestions I can’t think of any others right now.

    #67539 Score: 0


    Keep this in mind people: We dont want this to be like survival. So please try to think of original ideas.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Xavier3479.
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