Website Idea – Shout box


Home Forums Survival General discussion Website Idea – Shout box

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  danielxing 12 years ago.

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  • #12985 Score: 0


    Basically, a chat window at the top of the page (below the tabs) for people to ask questions to everyone logged in to the website that really don’t need a forum post (e.g. i can’t connect – says hostname not resolved). I know there is Skype that people can use but for me opening a new application for 10 minutes to ask a simple question is a bit wasteful, and is more suited for private chats about more specific things between mods and players. The shout box could also serve as a tool for letting people know if the server is down, or if it’s on their end.

    I hope you take this idea into consideration, and I look forward to the community’s input on the matter.

    #12988 Score: 0


    good idea i agree

    #12995 Score: 0


    I think this is a great idea. Shout boxes are usually pretty easy to implement, too. I don’t see a reason why this shouldn’t be done.

    Would guests be able to shout or would you have to be logged in?

    #12996 Score: 0


    This is a great idea, there was one on a server I used to play on and it was so helpful.

    #13003 Score: 0


    good idea!!!

    #13005 Score: 0


    I’m in Love the idea.  As Haampo sadi its not so hard but make it for guests because not every 1 wants to register…


    #13009 Score: 0

    5 pts

    That is good idea, but it have to be only for registered users, because it can be easily flooded when couple 11yo kids get “funny idea” to be xxh4X0rsss

    #13023 Score: 0


    makes sense.

    #14638 Score: 0


    Maybe another feature of the shoutbox would be the ability to talk as a guest?

    Then we would need forum moderators…

    That means we would need actual forum/shoutbox rules!

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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